Chapter Thirty-Nine, People Change

Start from the beginning

I helped him put his visor back on before drying myself off with a towel. "Shit- help me man- I can't reach-." I huffed and Tom laughed before helping me dry off my scarred side. Once both of us were covered by towels on our waists, Tom led me to the walk-in closet he had. I curiously walked around and gazed at all the different outfits. Damn, he's dressed for anything and everything. I flitted through the different clothing choices and cringed at how much blue and black there was. It's like my closet, but reverse. I picked out a simple black sweater with a blue jacket and simple black jeans. "You're looking nice." He complimented and put on his normal uniform. "Hey do you have any higher heel boots? I like them-." I asked and Tom brought me over to his rack of shoes. "I mean, I did try these on." He said held up a pair of higher-heeled boots that went to the top of the foot. "That'll do, thank you." I politely thanked him before stealing some socks and putting on the new boots. It's nice that we have the same shoe size, though sometimes Tom orders a size above for some reason.

"Come along now Tord, we've wasted enough time already." He said and dragged me into the bathroom where he combed his hair, brushed his teeth, and went through the rest of his normal hygienic routine. He allowed me to use the spare supplies he had for himself as he got ready to go. Once we were both fairly presentable, I wandered out with Tom right on my heels. "I left your old office alone by the way." He told me and took my hand, guiding me through the halls at a brisk pace. Once we arrived at his office, I looked around the room curiously. It was a rather plain room, with a navy blue theme and a dark wood desk. It had some shelves with personal items or weapons on them, and some file cabinets to hold fairly important items. Tom seemed eager to show me something and pulled me into the room, dragging me behind his chair. He traced his fingers along the wall before stopping, lightly knocking on a certain spot. A small crawlspace opened up, and he moved the chair outta the way. "Check it out Commie." He said with clear pride in the secret hidey-hole.

I crawled through the narrow entrance to be in a small den, with a television set, small bed consisting of a mattress, some pillows, and a heavy blanket, a small concealed cabinet with refreshments and snacks, and LED strip-lights dimly lighting the fox-hole. Tom leaned down and poked his head in. "I call it my "introvert heaven". Nobody else knows about this spot, and it's soundproof." He told me and I got cozy in the den. "You can hang out in there for a while, and knock on the concealed sliding door to get out." He told me and I stretched. I watched as he closed the door by knocking above it, which was good to know. This was definitely a cool edition I wish that I had thought of, but then again I'm not nearly as anti-social as Tom can be at times. Mostly the drunk Tom, but still. I wrapped the blanket around myself and noticed a familiar small rabbit plush. It was the one Tom had cuddled during his time in my room. I picked up the tiny stuffed animal and cuddled with it as I turned on the television. There was two different gaming consoles I could use under the television in a compartment as well, but I just wanted to watch TV and relax.

I rummaged through the snack cabinet and found a cold section acting as a sort of mini-fridge that could be opened by pressing the blinking button above the tiny sliding door. I retrieved the grapes residing inside along with a can of cola before closing up the food compartments. This was the life. I laid back and checked to see if I could view time while in this cozy gaming den, spotting a small led clock next to the entrance. It was only nine, I could relax in here all day. This was definitely something I missed about not being Red Leader. Laying around and relaxing. Sure I could go visit my parents or do any other number of productive things, but this little "introvert heaven" was much nicer than actually doing anything. After a long while of mindlessly watching TV and eating delicious grapes, I checked out the first console under the TV. I turned it on and waited for the television to switch over, eventually switching to an xbox system. Not bad, not bad at all. That means the other one is probably playstation, which has its own perks. I snooped around on it before finding a good game. A violent game.

After endless hours of entertainment completely alone, I felt a bit lonely. It wasn't a usual feeling for me. Sure, I would get lonely while eating alone or doing paperwork, but now I just felt like I was missing someone. I didn't miss my parents, though I love their company. Maybe it was Edd or Matt? They're very entertaining, and would keep me company if I asked. No, I don't think so. They couldn't fulfill the feeling I desired. I'm most likely mistaken, but it could be Tom. He made me smile and always challenged me. Yes in the past he filled my sick desire to crush my competition, but I didn't want that anymore. I wanted to feel him delicately handle me like last night. Yes he probably only did it out of guilt, but I've never been treated like that before. My parents did, but nobody who's known me. Not anyone like Tom. Being gently pampered and comforted feels like something I don't deserve, but I need it. I'm being pampered right now. He let me into his secret little hidey-hole to be alone and enjoy something nobody else could in quite the same way. He's being so nice, and I don't understand it. He hates me, doesn't he? He beat me up as revenge and has competed with me for years. He blew off my arm and permanently injured my eye. And yet now, he behaves like a new person. People can change over the years, but I didn't think they changed this much.

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