9) Yes or Yes

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Chesters POV
..."Right, I can finally sleep in for once." We both laugh.
"Goodnight, Chester."
"Goodnight, Parker." I kiss him on the cheek and we wave each other goodbye, then I walk into my house.
I can't believe I finally got to kiss the person I've liked-
For so,
So long...

The next day
It's finally happening!!
We're going on an actual date!!
Not just a 'friendly hangout date', an actual one! Where you have to book it in advance!
That last part doesn't sound too fun, but our date is going to be so fun!
We're going to an art place where you paint pottery, then you eat.
The date is only a couple of hours away, but I'm already getting ready. I couldn't wait to go there tonight, and see Parker, someone who I've liked for so long, and then he finally noticed me.
Well, before our date, we decided to film a quick Life of Luxury video.
At Parkers house
"Alright, you remember your lines?" He asks me.
"Yup." I say.
It was me, Parker, and his cousin, Cail.
"So," Cail begins, "when are you two getting married?"
Parker accidentally chokes a bit on some water then clears his throat. "What?"
"Are you two dating?"
"What? Huh- no! Why would you think that? That's kinda suspicious, maybe you two are dating!"
"Calm down, dude, just a question." Cail chuckles.
"Anyways, Chester told me."
"Seriously, Chester?" Parker looks at me in disbelief.
"I'm sorry! He was asking me about myself and it just slipped out. Let's just get to filming this video."
"Fine." Parker says.

We start to talk to and act in front of the camera, we've actually gained a bit of a following and are close to 100 thousand subscribers. We got a sponsor on that video and we're making decent money from it, not a lot, but if we keep this up, it could be enough to, I don't know, pay rent every month if you were going to love in an apartment. I'll be honest, we've talked about moving in with each other, I really want to, my house and parents are just pure insanity, kind of like Amerose.
"And, again, thank you to SwagsBucks for sponsoring this video! Ok, cut."
We move into the backyard to get some more natural lighting.
"So, you said you found the paper right here, Cail?" Parker convincingly asks him.
"Yep! Just out in the open with the words 'hang in there, I'm coming for you' written on it!" Cail says.
"Hmmm, interesting, what you do think, Chester?"
"I'm not sure, do you have any enemies?" I ask him.
"One, her name is Lea, we have some..history.." Cail says and Parker raises his eyebrow and smirks at the camera, I try not to laugh, but I think I chuckled a bit.

"Good job today, guys!" Parker says and we high five each other, after close to an hour of filming, we finished, it was six and almost time for Parker and I's date! My parents were out of town visiting relatives, so I didn't have to ask for their permission, not that I was going to anyways.

"I should probably get home to my family, it's almost dinner time." Cail says as he checks his watch.
"Oh yeah, congrats on the baby, man!" Parker says.
"Yeah, what was the little guys' name again?" I ask Cail.
"Mike, he's such a sweetheart, anyways, see you two soon hopefully! Call me when the wedding happens!" He jokes and waves goodbye. We chuckle a bit and wave back.

"Man, that guy rocks, how come you've never told me about him before?" I ask Parker.
"I dunno, he never naturally came up in conversations."
"Huh, I wonder how."
"Well, conversations never really go like 'the weather is nice today' to 'what's your cousins name?' Like that."
"Ookayy..anyways, excited about our date tonight?" I smile.
"Yep! My parents are also out tonight so I have the whole house to myself."
"Same with my parents."
"Wow, small world we live in." Parker replies. "So, we should probably get ready so that we'll have enough time to eat and paint, do you know what you're wearing?"
"Uhh, I was just thinking this maybe?" I was wearing a light grey hoodie with black sweat pants on.
"Really? You're gonna wear that to a first date?" Parker rolls his eyes.
"Well it's not like I'm going to wear a suit, what do you suppose I wear then?"
"Hmm. Come to my room, you can borrow some of my clothes." He says and I follow him to his room.
"Okay," he starts, "how about...this one?" Parker holds up a black suit with a white dress shirt and a red tie.
"Are we actually going to wear suits to this place?" I ask him, half joking, half serious.
"I mean, if you want to." He mumbles and puts the suit away.
"Not really, no. What do you have that suit for anyways?"
"Prom next week."
"Ohh, right, then we get to graduate soon. I can't wait to get out of that hellish school." I sigh.
"It's not so bad, it's just, well, of course Amerose, but it's not all bad."
"I guess you're right."
"Alright. How about this one?" Parker shows me a black buttoned shirt and black jeans with a brown leather belt.
"That's nice, where'd you get it from?" I ask.
"I don't know, my dad got it for me as a Christmas gift, you wanna wear it?"
"No, it's fine."
"Trust me you should wear it, it'll look cute on you." He insists.
"Did you just insult my outfit? Wait, did you just call me cute?"
"I- uhh, yeah..? I guess it just slipped out." He mumbles.
"Oh, well, thank you. I'm going to get changed right now." I walk to the bathroom.

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