3) Cry For Me

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Chesters POV

"H-huh? In your bed with you?" I stutter nervously.
"Dude, don't be weird about it, cmon." He moves over to makes room for me and I lie down next to him.
"Goodnight." He says.
"Night, Parker." I blush.

* * *

I woke up just next to Parker, I was kind of hoping to wake up closer to him, but you can't have everything go your way all the time, speaking of Parker, where is he? He wasn't next to me when I woke up.
As I was about to call out for his name, someone opened the door to his room suddenly and made me flinch.

"Chester, you u- oh, hey you're up, come downstairs I made breakfast." Parker told me, then proceeded to run out of the room and down the stairs. I got up and quickly followed behind him.

"Here." Parker slid a plate towards me as I sat down on a stool at the island.
"Ooh, pancakes?" I asked and took a bite.
"Yep, my grandma's secret recipe."
"Holy sh- shizam! These are delicious!" They tasted amazing, imagine what heaven tastes like, no, nevermind, they were perfect.
"Thanks!" Parker smiled, I always loved his smile, it was always so genuine.

* * *

"Okay, me, you, the boys, EB Games at twelve for boxing day, you in?" Parker asked me as we were practicing rehearsing our next Life of Luxury video.
"Sure, that's in 20 minutes so let's wrap this up. Where are we meeting them? Outside the mall?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna use the washroom before we go." Parker got up and left the room.

Something that I noticed about Parker over the past few years that we've known each other is that he acts different around me than when he's hanging with "the boys". I've hung out with them before, with Parker along since they were absolutely insane, they're rude but call it "joking", they're insensitive about others' feelings, for example, one time we were all hanging out and one of them, Josh (the most basic mean-boy name ever), straight up called me a lazy a** b*tch, out of no where, nothing happened, and no one even cared, I just pretended like I didn't hear him.
Sometimes though,
I feel like I'm holding Parker back.
Either that or I'm the only one keeping him sane because holy those guys are dic-

"Alright, ready?" Parker says, interrupting my train of thought.
"Yep!" I say quickly and get up to put on my shoes, then Parker drove us to the mall.

* * *

"Ayo! It's my boys P-dawg and Coconut!" Andy called out.
"Wassup, Ands?" Parker and him bro-hugged.
"Hey." Was all I said, but then Andy also pulled me into a bro-hug. Andy wasn't mean persay, he was just really annoying.
We walked inside the mall and headed towards EB Games, as we were doing that, we walked by my favorite store, le château, I felt awkward asking them if they could wait for me so that I could look in there, so I didn't.
"Hey, Chester, isn't that your favourite store?" Parker nudged my elbow and pointed his head towards it.

I can't believe he remembered...

"O-oh, yeah, it is, but it's fine, we can skip it, I'll come back another time." I started to walk away but then Parker called out.
"You sure? I need a new coat, c'mon, go ahead guys, we won't be long." Parker practically dragged me into the store.
"Wait up, I need a new dress shirt." Erik called out. I actually liked Erik, he wasn't as rude or annoying as the others, sometimes just us three would hang out, away from the others.

We wandered the store for a little bit, checking out shirts, pants and shoes.

"Soo, you need a dress shirt? Seems kind of specific." Parker says to Erik.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"You got a date of something, hm?"
"W-what? No I don't, shhh!" Erik shushed him, "I'm going to go look at, uhh..ties! No! Shirts! Ugh, shut upp." He walked away to go look at something else.
"He definitely has something going on." Parker whispered to me.
If you don't mind me asking, why are you friends with all of them?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, they all seem kind of rude and shallow to me, sorry."
"Oh. I don't know, they're alright, I don't have a lot of friends, but I've known them since like, kindergarten. It's hard to let go of friendships like that."
"Hard to let go of friend ships"
I..I see..

* * *

"That was a nice trip, huh?" Parker said, driving me back to my house.
"Yep, cheaper than I thought it'd be too, even for Boxing Day."
I got a light blue collared shirt from le château and a Legend of Zelda plush from EB, Parker got a white button down shirt and a Mario Pop figure.

"Thanks for the ride!" I said to Parker.
"Welcome! See you Monday." I waved at him and he drove off.

I got inside and expected to see my parents angry, since I didn't tell them I went to the mall, but instead I saw them passed out on the couch, they did have a party late last night, well, at least they're not up.

I got to my room and opened my laptop, I read over the script Parker and I wrote the night before and rehearsed my lines. I didn't have alot since I didn't like talking, so Parker told me I could be the camera man.

Luckily, in this next skit Amerose wasn't going to be in it, I know, I should be nicer to her, but her whole personality is so fake. Suddenly, I got a text from Parker.

Hey Chester, I just HAD to tell someone this!

oh yeah, what is it?

I'm going out with Amerose

Really? Nice, happy for you, man.

What's wrong?


Whenever you're sad or upset you use like, proper grammar while typing.

No I don't.

Alright, if you say so, anyways, bye.


Well, at least he's happy.

Woah, I wrote this all in one sitting lol, it took only about an hour to write but I like it, also a lot of plot twists coming soon so be prepared for that lol. Also, so far I've written 4,363 words already lol
Word count- 1,070 words.

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