2) Rollin'

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Chesters POV

..."Really? Thanks, Pic."
"Yeah, no pro- wait, what did you just call me?" Did he just call me "Pic"?
"PIC: Partner-in-Crime." He chucked.
"Ohh, alright, well bye!" I waved Parker goodbye as he left my house.

I couldn't wait to see him again.

* * *

Finally, it was the weekend, and Parker was coming over today!
Knock Knock
I think that's him! I rush over to my front door and open it to see none other than Parker.

"Heyy, I finished editing it!" Parker told me excitedly.
"Already? We just filmed yesterday." I asked him, noticing the bags under his eyes, "Did you stay up all night to edit it?"
"Yeah, I went to sleep at uhhh..." He stopped to yawn, "I don't know."
"Oh, well, thanks for editing it, come in, we can upload it to the channel on my laptop."

"Anddd..uploaded!" I said as I hit the publish button. I don't think our first video would immediately be a hit, that would probably take a while.

"Well, we did it! Nice work, PIC." Parker high-fived me.
"Hah, thanks, you too! And nice editing as well, I like the transitions."
"Thanks! That one transition just as it cuts to Amerose too like twenty minutes to do." Parker laughed.
"Oh, nice." I smiled, well, fake smiled. I'm trying to like Amerose, I mean, I have no reason not to like her, right? I don't know what it is, there's just something off about her...

* * *

"Geez, how is it already Monday." Parker says to me as we walk to school on a rainy, cold day.
"I know, right? Where did all that time go?" I wonder.
"I don't know, also, did you check our new video yet?"
"I didn't yet, is it doing good?"
"Yeah it is! Two and a half thousand views already." Parker days excitedly.
"Woah, really?! That's great!" I'm so genuinely excited, I've never been anywhere near that level of "fame". I suppose not fame, but hey, that's still a lot of views.
"Yeah! And check out these comments too, they're almost all positive." Parker shows me his phone, a bunch of comments saying things like "this was so scary, love it!" and "great video, super entertaining!" I can't believe people actually liked it...
"This sucked, bad editing and horrible acting, made for three year olds."
It's only one comment.
"Yeah, I saw that one too, it's only one person though." Parker sighed.
"Mhm, you're right." We walked inside our school, but I couldn't stop thinking about that comment. Not the whole comment, but just the beginning, the "bad editing" part. Parkers editing was AMAZING, that stupid commenter doesn't know what they're talking about.
"Well, see ya next class." Parker waved bye to me, oh, right, first block: Social Studies. Good thing I'm absolutely terrible at it and have no friends in that class.
"Bye." I close my locker and walk over to my class. Today? Off to a greatttt start.
And we get our tests back in algebra.

* * *

It was lunch time and Parker and I managed to get a seat at a table in the cafeteria, I was going to show him my algebra test results, and they aren't good, I hope he doesn't think that I'm stupid or anything like that...
"Ok, you go first!" Parker insists.
"No, it's bad.." I lower my head.
"It can't be that bad. Fine, I'll go first, I got 89%."
"Woah, really? That's really good, good job!" I smile at him, at least one of us did good.
"Thanks! Now your turn."
"Fine," I sighed, "I..I got 68%.."
That was all he said for about a minute or two.
"Well, you tried, it's alrigh-"
"No it's not! I actually studied this one time and I did horrible! Jeez, my parents are going to kill me." I laid my head down on the table.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine, there's gonna be more tests in the future that you can get better grades on." Parker reassured me.
"No, there won't!"
Of course there will
"I gotta use the washroom, save my seat." I stormed out of the room to the washroom. I felt mad at him but I had no reason to be.

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