7) Psycho

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Chesters POV
TW! Mentions of su*ci*e

..."Parker, I...I'm gay."

really? Cool."


"That's okay, thanks for telling me." I smiled.
He smiled widely and blushed.
"Thanks." He says.
"For what?"
"I dunno, just..thanks."
We both just smiled at each other.
"Alright, our plan, first things first, how did Amerose take the breakup? Was it messy?" I ask Parker as we sit down at the island.
"Oh, soo...I didn't break up with her yet." He gets quiet at the end.
"Oh, how-how come?"
"I'm scared she'll try to hurt me."
"Do you want me to like, type out a text message for you to send to her?" I offer.
"Yeah, maybe, thanks." He hands me his phone and I get to writing.
I can feel his eyes nervously glance between me, his phone and other areas in the room.
"How is this?" I show him what I wrote.
"That's great, thanks." He sighs in relief.
"Welcome, I'll send it.

Hey, Ame, we need to talk. Look, I don't think this is working out, I don't feel a connection I'm sorry, it's over.

"..And now we just wait," I say,
"the most stressful part of it."
"You're breaking up with me?!?!" Amerose yells in the middle of the hall as Parker and I were talking near his locker. "Why?!"
"I-I just didn't think things were working out.." Parker mumbled.
"Nobody dumps me, I'm the dumper, NOT the dumpee. You're not dumping me!" At this point, people turned around to stare at us, about to get their phones out to film.
"Yes I am, it's over!" Parker finally gets the courage to speak up.
"Three pm, you got that? Basketball court at three pm, I know where you live so you better show up, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll show up to your stupid little threat."
Then, Amerose slaps him across the face and walks away. The bell rings and everyone starts talking about the fight then heads to their classrooms.
"Parker are you okay? Also are you crazy?! You can't fight her! She will literally kill you, that's what she said before!" I tell him and check to see if he's okay.
"I'm not actually going to show up, I'll go somewhere else."
"Oh, I know this spot that no one else knows about, let's get out of there once school ends."
"Okay, thanks, we should probably get to class now."

During lunch

"Okay, I got a plan." I say as Parker and I take out our lunches, "let's meet up behind the tree nearest to the entrance and then just follow me and we'll run as quickly as possible to the spot."
"Say, what is the spot anyways? Is it in like a forest or something?" Parker asks.
"It's next to a waterfall and there's some trees there, it's like a walking park."
"Alright, good plan, how long should we stay there for?"
"At least twenty minutes, incase she goes off school property to search for us." I tell him and take a sip of my ice tea, "This tastes like unmixed ice tea."
"Yeah, school vending machines suck."

After school

I waited anxiously behind the tree we said we would meet at for what felt like forever, then finally, Parker showed up.
"Hey, dude! C'mon, let's go." I say and grab his hand, I think this is the first time we've ever held hands before, nevertheless, we had to go.
I found the spot and once we got there, we were out of breath, it's about a ten minute walk, but only a four minute run, if you don't stop running and almost get hit by two cars, I didn't even realize we were still holding hands, I looked down at them the same time Parker did and we awkwardly looked at each other, then pulled our hands away.
"Soo, what should we do now?" He asks me.
"I don't know, talk? How's your day been so far? Chaotic?" I joke.
"Hah, yeah, but, what do I do at school tomorrow? She's gonna find me and even if we're still in school she's gonna beat me up." He says and I can hear a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"She won't get you, I promise, I'll protect you." I look him in the eyes, "I promise."
"Thank you." He blushes, "I don't know where I would be without you."
"Me too."
We stand there in, surprisingly, not uncomfortable silence. He just said he wouldn't know where he'd be without me! Like he needs me. I hope not needs, but like, wants me.
"Is it starting to rain?" He asks me, confused.
"What? No it's no- never mind.." I say as I feel a bunch of raindrops land on me.
"Dang it."
"Here," he says and then takes off his jacket and puts it over both of our heads, trying to use it as an umbrella.
"O-oh, thanks, heh." I stutter and smile at him.
"No problem." He looks down at me and smiles. Why is he so much taller than me? It's only by a couple inches, but it feels like he's seven feet tall and I'm only, like, three feet.
"Hey! You!" I hear someone yell in the distance. Uh oh.
"Oh no, I think she found us." Parker mutters.
"Come out and face me like a real man, you wuss!" She yells out even louder this time.
"Fine, guess I'm dying today." Parker says and just as he's about to walk away, I stop him.
"Wait, there's something I have to tell you, Parker, I-"
"Fine! Guess I'll come in there then!" She says and starts sprinting towards us.
"It'll have to wait." Parkers tells me then also starts running towards Amerose.
"Let's do this!" Parkers says angrily to her as I, still holding his jacket over my head as rain continues to pour down, squeeze on it, hoping he doesn't get hurt.

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