Chapter 10

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As days passed Bloody White helped Azur Lane at defeating the sirens while searching for the entity that was helping the sirens 

At the same time when there no sirens to kill she spends time with Lexington and having fun and wonderful time with her

And as these events are happening The shipgirls finally manage to pushed the sirens at there Final base and now they are preparing to attack them to finish the sirens once and for all

There Final battle will be in Antarctica so they had to upgrade there ships 

And after 2 months they could now travel to Antarctica and with that The High Ranking sirens prepared there final defense against Azur Lane

At Antarctica 1000 miles away from the Sirens Final base

We could see All of the Shipgirls readying there weapons and planes for the final battle

There plan is while They are Attacking the sirens Bloody White will enter their base to finish The Arbiters and the Entity helping them

and as they head closer to the Final Siren base the Aircraft Carrier Shipgirls launched there planes to sky while the the rest fired there guns at the sirens base and at the siren ships

The Battle was at the Azur Lane's favor as they sink siren ships one by one and there planes destroying siren planes

and currently the give Bloody White the signal to enter the siren base until Bloody White saw Alterprise preparing her bow to shot Bloody White only for Enterprise to shoot Alterprise's arrow

Enterprise: I'll handle her go!

and then Bloody White heads inside the siren base with Zuikaku as support

As they enter the Base they searched for the Arbiters and finally found them with the Entity heading towards to Bloody White forcing Bloody White to engage the Entity into an battle Leaving Zuikaku to face all of the Arbiter

But since Zuikaku learned all of the sword techniques that Bloody White taught her she manage to evade and kill some high ranking sirens 

But it was still not enough as Empress III, Tester Beta, and Purifier are still alive and manage to dodge all of Zuikaku's Attacks and Zuikaku is starting to get tired

Zuikaku: *Thought's* I have to finish this battle as soon as possible I have to help White- No Shoukaku-nee *End Thoughts*

Empress III: It seems you can't fight anymore little crane time to finish you!

and then Zuikaku remembered Her talk with Bloody White's Reality Marble and and had an flashback 


Zuikaku: Hey Shoukaku-nee

Bloody White: I told you to call me White Zuikaku

Zuikaku: Still can I ask a question?

Bloody White: What is it?

Zuikaku: How do created that area where you battled Observer Alpha?

Bloody Marble: Oh you mean my Reality Marble?

Zuikaku: Yeah that one

Bloody White: Why do you ask?

Zuikaku: I want to protect everyone with everything I can but I feel weak

Bloody White: Oh Zuikaku your not weak

Zuikaku: But back then you almost got killed by Alterprise And I reacted to late I-

Bloody White: You aren't Zuikaku believe me you aren't weak okay, believe in your own strength, Believe yourself that you could save everyone including yourself

Zuikaku: I-I'll try to remember that

Bloody White: Well as for your question about the reality marble you see a Reality Marble is one that centers around the materialization and projection of one's inner world onto reality 

Zuikaku: Meaning?

Bloody White: The Person must actualizes the internal landscape of oneself, But they need to experience tragedy first, or An Achievement no one had ever done in this world or when your in a terrible situation to achieve this kind of power but sadly only a few people could to that

Zuikaku: I-I see

Flashback Ended

Zuikaku: *Thoughts* C-Can I do it? C-Can I also make an Reality Marble just like her? *end thoughts*

As this happens Zuikaku could feel that time is getting slower as Laser beam are heading towards her and her sister looking at her sisters and then she remembers Bloody White's Words 

"Believe yourself that you could save everyone including yourself"

Zuikaku: I could do it, I will defeat them to save her

and then her samurai sword shined with fire appearing 

Zuikaku: I'm the new east

and then time continues to return to normal as Zuikaku Dodges the sirens attack

And then Zuikaku spoke

Zuikaku: Many Trials remain in my path, Leaving many regretful decisions

and then she charged at Purifiers position making Purifier aim all her gun at her

Zuikaku: Fire Sword Technique:-

and then within an blink of an eye Zuikaku manages to close her distance with Purifier

Purifier: Shit * tries to activates her shield*

Zuikaku: Rapid Fast Flame!

and with the speed of light Zuikaku manages to cut Purifiers head off before she could activate her shield and then Purifiers head started to burn as fire spreads at her head killing her making her guns and body useless

Zuikaku: I still tried to save everyone at the best of my abilities

Tester Beta: YOU!!! *Fires all of her guns at Zuikaku*

and then Zuikaku dodged all of Tester Beta's attacks at incredible speeds

Zuikaku: Unaware of loss, Nor aware of gain

and then Zuikaku controlled Purifier's burning head and turns it to an blade and aims it at Tester Beta hitting her left arm

Tester Beta: Argh! Damn you!

and then Tester Beta aims all of her guns at random directions hoping to hit Zuikaku but fails miserably 

Zuikaku: Withstood pain to Improve myself 

and then fire appeared at the base spreading at a fast rate and because of this it shocked Bloody White

Bloody White: Zuikaku

Zuikaku: Making me stronger than my past self

Zuikaku: I have no regrets. This is the path I've chosen.

and then Zuikaku puts her sword on the ground and remembers every sword practice she done with her mentors, Mikasa and Takao, and trains harder to become stronger 

Zuikaku: And so come Forth, NEW EMPIRE!!!

and then everything went white

To be continued

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