Chapter 4

477 10 3

(Play the song)

As the White Light disappeared The Shipgirl opened there eyes and were shocked an horrified at the area

It was the Sakura Empire but the is Purple Flames everywhere, Building broken and a lot of ashes in the ground and air and then thunder could be heard at the sky and then they saw Observer Alpha, Code G and Ember Looking at Bloody White and then they also look at her and they were shocked at her true identity

It was Zuikaku's sister, Shoukaku but her eyes were different, There are golden-brown colored  eyes

Ember: Shoukaku-

Bloody White: That's not my name anymore I abandon that name 

and then within an second Bloody White draws her sword and Engaged Ember into an sword fight and then Bloody White back flips and then the ashes on the ground turned into thin spike like swords and samurai swords

Bloody White: Sword Barrel-Full Open

and then at an alarming speed the weapon head straight to Ember and Ember tries to Deflect some of the swords but some managed to get passed her defense disabling Ember's rigging and injuring Ember and then Bloody White summoned 3 figures which shook Ember to her core

It was her sisters but there eyes were white and there clothes were the made of ashes

and then her sisters draws there weapons and engages her into an sword fight and because of this Ember tried to use her rigging but the weapons that hit her rigging created a lot of damage making it useless and as she fights her own sisters, Bloody White Spoke

Bloody White: Lightning Sword Technique: Illusionary Strike

and then the 3 figures disappeared including Bloody White and then the ashes blocks Embers sight and then she saw her sister hugging her

Ember: W-What

and then one of her sisters, Atago spoke

Atago: It's time to rest now Takao you've done enough spend time with us

and then one of her sisters, Chokai also spoke

Chokai: Please for us

and then Ember made her decision

Ember: I'll stay if that will make all of you Happy

and then her youngest sister Maya shouted with Joy 

But unknown to Ember it saw all an Illusion and Bloody White slashed her chest with an Lightning strike hitting Ember and then Embers Body started to burn in Purple flames and when Ember awakens from her Illusion she spoke

Ember: T-Thank you Shoukaku

and then Ember died with a smile on her face as the purple flames consumed her turning her into ashes and then it flew to the air

Bloody Crane: I told you Takao that's not my name anymore

and then she looked at Code G and Observer Alpha's direction

Bloody White: So Who's next?

As Code G tries to aim her bow and released her arrow Bloody White kicked her and send her 20 meters making Code G crash into an destroyed Sakura Empire Building 

and then Observer Alpha tries hit Bloody White with her Laser cannons but lightning strikes her rigging making it malfunction and then Bloody White puts her sword back and then an the ashes in the ground formed an shining red spear in her right hand

and then Observer Alpha tries hit Bloody White with her Laser cannons but lightning strikes her rigging making it malfunction and then Bloody White puts her sword back and then an the ashes in the ground formed an shining red spear in her right hand

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and then she throws the spear and it aimed its chest sending Observer Alpha to the ground

As this happens Observer Alpha tries to remove it Bloody White cuts her arms and then Observer Alpha froze as her arms won't regenerate and thinks that the spear has something to do with it

and then within a blink of an eye lightning bolts hit Observer Alpha burning her body alive leaving the shining red spear turning to ashes

As this happens Zuikaku tries to go near Bloody White

To be continued

Spoilers: Both of them will engage into an battle as Zuikaku goes near Bloody White

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