Chapter 12- The Vanishing Act

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Eliza was at Hogwarts again. But it was different somehow. The courtyard seemed deserted, the flowering vines that once lined the walls were now thick and overgrown, the weeds suffocating the already weak flowers. The central fountain had stopped flowing and was badly cracked, as were a great many of the statues. What was going on? Where was everyone? The courtyard was usually one of the busiest places in the castle. To see it so empty was off-putting, to say the least.

"You've got some nerve showing your face here, Woods," a voice spat. Eliza span around to see a very familiar face.

"Harry!" She breathed in relief. "What's going on? What happened? Are you okay?"

But he didn't answer. In fact, the questions only seemed to infuriate him more. "What happened? What happened! You happened, Woods! This -" he shouted, gesturing around the courtyard, "is all because of you. It's all your fault."

Eliza froze, her hands shaking slightly. "Me? I did this? But how Harry? Why?"

He laughed. But not his usual lighthearted chuckle she had got so used to, but a dark haunting laugh that seemed foreign coming from him. "So self-absorbed, as usual. You were too late. You could have saved us all, but you didn't. They all died, thanks to you. The Weasley's, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Sirius, and Remus. Even those slytherins you're so fond of, Nott and Malfoy. All dead. Maybe if you were good enough, they'd still be alive. If it wasn't for you, I'd still have a family!" He spat.

"Remus," she whispered. Just like that, her heart shattered once again. She couldn't take this anymore. Each fallen name burnt her skin like a cruciatus curse. Each fallen name and Harry stepped closer and closer, his once green eyes now dead and dark. They never left hers. Each fallen name made it harder and harder to breathe. Each fallen name pushed her further back until she was at a drop. Peering down, Eliza could only see a mass of darkness. There was nowhere left to hide. She was trapped.

"It's your fault they all died. It's your fault he's dead. Never forget that." And with that, Harry pushed her down into the darkness.

She was falling. Down a never-ending tunnel.

She awoke with a scream, scrambling to sit upright, fighting with the bedsheets that now seemed to be suffocating her. Eliza quickly opened the window, her clothes and hair stuck to her in sweat. Rubbing her eyes, she ignored her neighbours banging on the walls. She must have forgotten to put a silencing charm up last night. Again. A quick tempus charm showed her that it was already nearly six in the morning. There was no point in trying to get back to sleep now. She wouldn't be able to. She didn't want to try.

Eliza grabbed her towel and headed into the shower. She hadn't had a bad dream since leaving home. Eliza supposed it was because she was so busy, and her mind didn't have time to think of cruel tricks to scare her awake. She splashed her face with the cold water. It was over now. She was safe. Her friends were all still alive. She chanted this mantra to herself for a little while in an attempt to calm down. Surprisingly, it worked, just a little.

Eliza didn't have time to dwell on her dream. She was meeting Amy once again. Amy had sent a letter asking if she would be free to meet up at a local café. Her uncle had finally gotten back to her, and by the sounds of it, it was extremely happy that his niece was looking into muggle jobs, even if they weren't for her specifically. He had sent her several booklets and folders on jobs from all ranges and backgrounds. Eliza couldn't wait. The more she thought about getting a new job, the more excited she got. Luckily, Amy had Friday afternoons off, meaning Eliza didn't have to wait long at all. They had arranged to meet up at 1pm for lunch, meaning Eliza still had plenty of time to herself.

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