Chapter 7- New York,New York!

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Eliza stepped out of the tunnel and immediately to the side, allowing the busy commuters to pass by. They all immediately rushed forwards to baggage claim, some aiming straight outside to arrange transport out of JFK airport and into the main city.

Eliza had opted to travel the muggle way. She had never been able to travel via plane as a child, she had grown up in a muggle orphanage- holidays abroad had been slightly over their measly budget. So when Kingsley had asked her for her preferred travel method, she immediately asked to travel by plane, deciding to decline the adapted portkey. It had been slightly terrifying flying up so high and being completely helpless should anything happen. But after eating the inflight meal and selecting a movie to watch on the screens, Eliza quickly settled. The seatbelt remained fastened throughout the entire flight-just in case.

Once the way before her died down slightly, she began making her way through the airport. Having shrunk all her luggage into one single backpack, she was able to avoid the hectic baggage claim and made her way straight out of the airport.

The bright sunlight was almost blinding after being cooped up in a plane for the past 8 hours. When she'd finally blinked the floating spots away from her eyes, she looked around. A long row of yellow taxis sat to her right, all waiting for passengers. It had been a while since Eliza had last been in a taxi, having gotten so used to apparating everywhere. Hitching her bag up higher, she walked over to the one at the front on the queue.

"Where to ma'am?" the driver asked the second Eliza closed the door of the taxi.

"Just outside the Woolworth Building in Manhattan please."

"Sure thing, it'll be around an hours drive."

The car was put into drive and they took off into the swirl of traffic. The fact that the driver hadn't even bothered to check for oncoming cars, or to use his indicators, had Eliza scrambling for her seatbelt.

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MACUSA (also know as the Magical Congress of the United States of America) was located in the Woolworth Building

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MACUSA (also know as the Magical Congress of the United States of America) was located in the Woolworth Building. Oddly enough, it was occupied by both the muggle and wizarding community. The building had once been the tallest in the world until 1930 and was located proudly in Broadway, Manhattan.

To access the magical part of the building, the witch or wizard would have to use the special revolving doors, outlined by an owl engraving. Eliza remembered reading about it in the files Kingsley had given her. Taking a deep breath, and looking around to make sure there were no muggles watching, she walked through the doors which seemed to spin at a speed way beyond that of which the muggles used. Once the spinning stopped, and her feet became steady again, Eliza entered the grand lobby. It was astounding. The candle lit, cathedral like celling reached almost 700ft in the air, making it feel even larger. In a way it reminded Eliza of Gringotts bank. It was vast and grand, however instead of white marble it was covered in shades of grey, maroon and emerald, speckled with gold accents. High up in the air, above the main staircase, was a giant dial with multiple clock-like faces and hands pointing to current threat levels of magical exposure. To it's side was a enlarged portrait of the present President of MACUSA, President Samuel G. Quahog.

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