Chapter 10- The Apartment

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Eliza stopped to read the sign once more, confirming that she was indeed at the right place - "WillowBrooke's Apartments." It sounded lovely, elegant even. However, the apartments looked questionable, the neighbourhood even more so. As Eliza got closer, she saw the building was in a dire need of a repaint. But that's wasn't the only thing. Many of the ground floor windows had been smashed, patched up with bits of wood and cardboard by the inhabitants, in an attempt to keep out the chilly evening breeze. The lettering on the sign had come loose long ago, many of the letters still missing. The side of the building was covered with piles of bin bags, old takeout boxes overflowing into the driveway. This was not what Eliza had pictured, but it was getting dark. She would have to stay. Besides, it's not like there were any other apartments available in the area. She was stuck here, or at least until a decent apartment opened up.

Eliza grabbed her keys from the receptionist, who hadn't looked up at her once, and made her way up the creaking stairs to the fifth floor. By the time she reached her room, she was embarrassingly out of breath. "Wow, I am out of shape," Eliza mumbled to herself, turning her key into the lock. The door was surprisingly stubborn, held back by a mountainous pile of old letters posted for previous occupants. Eventually, she was able to force herself into the room, stumbling as the door finally opened fully.

The room was in just as bad shape as the rest of the building. Old blue wallpaper was peeling in several places, revealing the damp walls underneath, which was probably the cause of the awful smell that dominated the air. A thick layer of dust had settled over the furniture, like a blanket suffocating those within.

The kitchen spilt into the living room. There was very little in either of the tiny rooms, just the basic necessities that looked so ancient they would probably fit right into the wizarding world. Eliza wondered if they even still worked.

Eliza sent a few scurgyfy spells around the room in an attempt to at least get rid of some of the dust. It barely made a difference. Realising that this would take a few hours, Eliza moved on to the bedroom, she would tackle the cleaning in the morning.

It had been one hell of a day. She'd portkeyed all the way to California from New York and headed straight to work and then straight to a meeting. The meeting itself had not gone well. According to her new team, she was only needed once a week, which was unsurprisingly Grey's idea. A vote was held with only Eliza and Amelia voting against the idea - everyone else being too scared to disagree with Grey. Amelia had tried to stick up for Eliza, threatening to get Anderson involved even though he was in an important meeting of his own.

"This whole idea is to come up with ideas to get closer to the British ministry and their people! The President himself invited her over, so we obviously need her!" Yelled Amelia almost getting as red as her hair. Vivian Grey was really getting to her. The only reason she was disregarding Eliza was because of her feud with Anderson, and because Anderson added her to the team, she was immediately against Eliza too. So now Eliza was to only go into work once a week on Thursdays. Sure, she still had her usual paperwork to do and her updates for the ministry, but Eliza knew it wouldn't be long until she was bored out of her mind. She was a healer! Always on the go, always busy, but now she only had a couple of hours worth of work a day. At least she could spend some time cleaning the apartment, but then what?

Deciding to leave that stress to future her, Eliza quickly had a shower and got into bed, but not before thoroughly cleaning it with multiple spells. Eliza was sure the bed had bed bugs and wasn't willing to get bitten throughout the night.

She had only been in bed for a total of 5 minutes before a bright blue light started shining in the corner of the room. Eliza grabbed her wand and warily creeped towards it. Getting closer, Eliza poked it with her wand, moving the clothes on top, and laughed. It started as a small giggle but made its way to a full belly laugh, almost dropping her wand in the process. It was just her notebook! She had completely forgotten about the enchantments Hermione had added to it, one of which being it would glow if there was a new message. So this must mean either Hermione or Remus had replied! Grabbing her book, Eliza made her way back into bed and started to read, illuminating the pages with her wand.

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