Chapter 6- The Farewell Party

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Eliza jumped. Everyone was here! They had all thrown a surprise leavers party just for her. She had been frantically packing all day: making lists, buying last-minute items, trying to find that one specific shirt. Remus had disappeared early that morning, but Eliza had been too busy to bother asking where he was going. He had reappeared around 5 minutes ago and asked her to come with him for a minute.

Finally finished with packing, she agreed, and that's how she found herself in the middle of the Weasley's garden being stared at by 20 pairs of eyes. A party had been the last thing on her mind, but it was definitely a welcome surprise, this way, she could see and say goodbye to them all. Eliza looked around at the garden, the place was beautifully decorated, it obviously took a lot of time and effort, and they were all dressed up in their best outfits. Luckily, Eliza hadn't been dressed like a slob for once. Instead, she was wearing a yellow summer dress with long sleeves. She subconsciously tugged her hair down from its messy bun in an effort to look more presentable.

"Wow! You did all this just for me?"

"Of course we did, dear! Everyone pitched in and helped out too. Come sit, sit, let's all eat before the food gets cold." Molly Weasley gestured her over to the spare seat next to Theodore and Hermione.

As everyone tucked into their meals, Eliza opted to listen rather than to talk. She sure would miss them all. At one end, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Bill, and Mr. Weasley were all having a rather loud discussion about the next quidditch match. From the sounds of it, they all seemed to violently disagree on who would win the Euro's. Hermione and Percy talked about new ministry laws and other boring political talk. Theo was entirely captivated by Charlie's dragon stories. The two had only met briefly once before, but they hit it off almost instantly. Luna and Neville were also listening intently, although their responses were complete opposites. Luna looked as if she was listening to a story about a completely ordinary experience as if dragons were a normal thing to be talking about. Neville, on the other hand, looked horrified and almost worried as if a fire-breathing Horntail was about to randomly appear at the Burrow. Eliza had to admit, Charlie's stories about Romania and his work were always so fascinating. She could sit and listen to them for hours on end. On the far end of the table, Fred, George, and Remus were bent forwards whispering amongst themselves. That couldn't be good. They were definitely up to something. Eliza decided she would have to keep an eye on them, just to be sure. Molly and Fleur had just brought out the desserts when another guest arrived.

"Don't tell me you started the party without me?"

"Sirius!" Everyone exclaimed at once clearly surprised he had arrived. Harry raced forward and tackled him in a great hug. Eliza went forward to greet the man. Sirius had been travelling the world since he was declared not guilty after the war. He was finally a free man. Restless from having to be in hiding from the previous years, he decided to get out there and see the world. He looked good, Eliza deduced. It had definitely been the right choice. He looked brighter, more full of life. His eyes now held that spark that had disappeared since Azkaban. He was a lot less skinny now and had developed quite a tan. His long hair had been pulled back into a bun, and even that looked fuller and healthier. He wore a black leather jacket and a brown motorcycle t-shirt, which, according to Remus, used to one his most prized possessions. Perhaps he would buy another bike now that he was free.

"Hello Sirius! It's so lovely to see you again." Said Eliza giving him a hug, "when did you get back from Costa Rica?"

"Just this morning, sorry I was late to the party. I didn't actually know about it 'til an hour and a half ago when I saw the letter Harry left out at home. Then I popped down to Diagon Ally to pick up your gift. Also, the hair -" he said, patting his bun, "-I don't just wake up like this."

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