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𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝟮𝟭𝘀𝘁 (𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹)
11:28 AM

Well, brunch isn't going as bad as I thought it would.

I still can't believe how stupid I was. Not only did I mistake Talia's brother as her boyfriend, but I also told her I thought he was hot.

To think that that was her brother is astonishingly crazy to me. The rings, the dark slicked up hair, and the insane mustang. I wonder what he went to college for.

They way he looked was incredible. I've never seen someone pull off a look so well.

Did he recognize me?

There's no way. He would have to remember me from that wedding back when I was a sophomore in high school, and I sure hope he doesn't remember that.

"Helloooo, earth to Scarlett?" Talia interrupted, along with her beaming smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry... it's been a weird day." I said, diving my fork back into my omelet.

She nods as she sips her mimosa.

"Not too long and you'll be drinking one of these as well..." she grinned, tapping her mimosa to my water glass.

I turn 21 on August 29th.

I will say I'm not that excited for it. The thought of getting older scares me honestly. I feel like I haven't lived my life to the fullest yet.

"Don't get too excited Talia. It will probably just be me and you celebrating," I assured.

I was still debating on whether to go back to college for my 21st. I would have such a bigger group to go out with, and nothing compares to New York City's night clubs.

I know my friend Bella would plan a huge night for me, along with my other roommate Jenny. They have rich boyfriends, and they always take us to the best clubs.

"And what is there to celebrate after 21? Sweet 30?" I stated.

She chuckled at my statement, setting her mimosa down. She almost took a bite of her pancakes, but immediately put it down.

It got silent.

"So... Harry finally came home?" I asked, nervously grabbing my glass of water for a sip.

She looks up and grins. "Yeah, it's nice to finally have him home..." she pauses.

Talia picks up her mimosa and takes a sip. I set down my water glass and fork another bite of my omelet.

"You wanna know something?" she asked.

Harry is hot now?

I nodded.

"He's still the same goofy Harry," she exclaimed, "but, he's different. I mean if you told me 5 years ago Harry was wearing rings, I would have laughed my ass off."

I laughed, almost choking on my bite of food.

"I mean, I didn't even recognize him Talia." I asserted.

She nodded. "Oh I know." she stated.

More silence.

God I could die from awkwardness. Please change the subject so I don't have to.

"I totally forgot to ask you!!!" Talia cheered.

Thank god.

"Mom's birthday is Saturday and I'm throwing her a party!" She grinned, "Please come. Harry said he's bringing some friends with him... I thought we could meet them." She winks.

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