45 4 15

6:52 PM
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I walk through the interesting party Talia threw for our mom. So many old people. I guess she did a good job though. It's not even seven and the house is already filled. Mom is already drunk as well.


In the kitchen, I head towards the liquor cabinet for the bottle of jack. Niall probably won't accept, but I know Louis will.

Jack in hand, I pass through people in the hallway. They all smile at me when I pass, and I wonder if they know who I am. Does mom talk about me with her coworkers? I doubt it. I mean, I'm never home.

I look across the hall in view of the dining table. My Aunt Helen's laugh is so loud, and my Uncle seemed annoyed with her. He rolls his eyes and sips his beer looking away from the people they were talking with.

I turn right from the hallway, into the living room. Niall and Louis are laid back on the couch, and Talia is sitting on the floor, talking their ears off. They seem to be laughing at her, confirming that she's definitely tipsy.

"... Luigi? Is that your name?" Talia questions, sipping the seltzer in her hand.

Niall bursts out laughing, while Louis gives her a death stare. Talia's face turns red.

"And I'm Mario!" Niall giggled, making a weird face at Louis.

I sit on the couch next to my friends, laughing and looking at Talia.

"Too much seltzer already huh?" I snapped at Talia.

Talia grins and toasts her seltzer to me before sipping it once more. Louis puts his arm around me.

"Luigi, Louis, same thing." he chuckles. Taking his arm off me, he turns his head to smile at Talia. She beams a grin back.

I'm uncomfortable.

I smack Louis on the back of the head. He groans in response, and Niall giggles more than ever. Talia furrows her eyebrows at me.

"So where's your friend Talia?" Niall teases, raising his eyebrows at me and Louis.

I think Talia is bringing her best friend from high school. I only met her once years ago at our Aunt's wedding. I remember how scared she was of getting caught with the champagne.

"Scarlett will probably be fashionably late." she says, standing up. She pulls down her dress, and wobbles to balance on her heels. Louis immediately stands up from the couch and offers his arm for her to hold onto.


"Let's go get some water." Louis says to Talia as he walks her towards the hallway. She nods, turning her head to grin at me before exiting the living room.

"Your sister is nothing like you." Niall remarked, sitting up on the couch.

"Yeah she's a trip," I declared, "I think I need a smoke... wanna join?" I ask before standing up.

"Are you kidding me? I still need to go wish your mom a happy birthday!" Niall grins. He stands up and raises his eyebrows before turning into the hallway.

He won't see what's coming to him later for that one.

I stood up, and set the bottle of jack on the coffee table, and head for the front door. More people arrived, looking around the house complimenting the chandelier above. I smile and move past them, passing through the front door. I close the door behind me and breathe in the fresh air.

The silence of the street is so nice.

I walk down the steps towards my car, and reach in my pocket for the pack of Marlboros. I lean against my car and put one of the sticks in my mouth. Lighting it, I pull and look up at the sky. The sun was completely gone, but the sky was still bright with the colors of orange and yellow.

It's nice to be home for once. Niall, Louis, and I needed a break from work. It's been complicated recently. We bust our ass for that pay, but it's so worth it afterwards. Mom and Talia still think we are in real estate.

I'm surprised they believed me.

I think one day I will tell them at some point, but with the state my Mom is in right now it wouldn't be the best time. She kicked Dad out after finding him in bed with his 23-year old secretary.

After the incident, she's been a wreck. Talia called me right after Mom told her. I knew she needed me and I came home. She has seemed somewhat happier, and this party was a good idea from Talia.

The sound of heels clicking the pavement interrupted my thoughts. I turn my head in the direction of the street, and lock eyes with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life.

She wore a red dress that complimented her olive skin perfectly. The sleeves led to her delicate hands along with a french manicure. Her hair was long, and was the color of sand. Her eyes were a bright green, complimented by the glow of her skin. She smiled, emphasizing the size of her high cheek bones. Her walk was somewhat stiff, telling me that she probably wasn't used to dressing up.

I was speechless.

Where did she come from? Does she work with my mom's company? She seems too young.

I become uncomfortable with our eye contact. She was almost to the front of my car. I still haven't said anything.

"You don't normally wear heels do you?" I ask, letting out a chuckle. Nervously, I pull the cigarette to my lips and pull.

Fuck. Why would you say that? She's going to think you're a complete dick.

To my surprise, she laughed. She was now to the front of my car, and had stopped walking to face me.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked.

Okay I'm still in the ballgame.

I don't know what to say next. Shit. I should have thought of a better thing to say next. Don't fuck it up.

I blow out the smoke.

"Hey, if I was a chick I'd be falling everywhere, so you're doing amazing." I say, giving my staple grin.

That was the stupidest thing I think you've ever said to a girl. Ever.

She grins as well, but turns towards the front of the house to start walking up. "Thank you." she smiles.

Fuck. That's it? You didn't even ask for her name.

I panic. That was the worst game I've ever spit probably since middle school. Anyone could have done better than that.

"Could I get your name?" I pause. "So I can find you inside?" I ask, hoping she heard me.

She was already at the front door, with her hand about to turn the doorknob. She stops, and turns her head back with a grin.

"Scarlett." she says as she locks eyes with me.

Scarlett. Wait. Scarlett as in Talia's best friend? There's no way.

She turns the door handle.

"It's nice to see you again Harry." she said.

She then turns her head away, breaking our eye contact. Opening the door, she steps in and the sound of the party fills the street again. The door is then shut, filling the street with silence.

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