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𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝟮𝟭𝘀𝘁
10:14 AM

I wrap up my hair in a towel, and put on my favorite big t shirt. I had just gotten out of the shower, getting ready for brunch with my hometown best friend.

I wipe the foggy mirror with my hand, meeting with my reflection. My mascara from yesterday was running down my face. I run the sink and open the drawer for my makeup wipes.

"Scarlett! I'm headed to work!" My mother screams from across the house.

She's an RN, and when she goes to work, it could be for days. It's nice to have the free house, but I still miss how close we used to be.

When I went to college at NYU, we drew apart. I know that's normal for most mother-daughter relationships, but it's been hard for me. She never does anything for herself anymore. My mom works so much, and I just wish she had a balance with the social life she used to have.

"Bye, love you!" I yell, already hearing the front door slam shut.

"Bye, I love you too sweetie." I say to myself under my breath, wishing she had said those words.

I wipe my face clean and start brushing my teeth. Opening the bathroom door, I walk into the room that used to be mine.

My mom turned it into a guest room/gym since I left for college years ago. With my suitcase sprawled open on the bed, I needed to figure out what to wear.

Summer in Maryland is always hot, so I automatically took out my black platform sandals. Going through my dresses, I found a black romper I bought back at college.

This should be just fine. What is Talia gonna wear I wonder?

My best friend Talia and I go way back. I remember us becoming friends in middle school because we both had the same backpack at the bus stop. She only lived three houses away from me.

When we grew up into high school, we did everything together. Cheer, SCA, events, ext. Looking back, we had the best time. We were always there for each other.

When I went off to college, we obviously didn't see each other everyday like we used to. It was such a drastic change for us, and we would facetime any chance we could get. Then those facetimes went from every day, to once a week. These past few months I had only talked to her a couple of times. I would see her on the holidays when I went home, but I spent my first two summers at college. That's when I decided I needed to spend a summer back at home. I've really missed her.

Part of me is scared to see if she has changed since last Christmas. My mom and I went over her house for dinner, and it was almost like normal. Talia had told me at dinner she was upset because this was the second Christmas her brother Harry couldn't make it. She wasn't her bubbly self the rest of the night, and I could tell her family was upset as well.

"Harry called my mother this morning and said he couldn't make it because of work. Same excuse as last year," Talia whispered from next to me. She shuffled in her seat, straightening her back. She whispered again, "My mother is beside herself, and we think he's distancing himself from the family. Like what kind of job is keeping you from having Christmas dinner with your family?"

She stabbed a potato with her fork, and shoved it in her mouth, rolling her eyes at me. I look around at the table, noticing the look on her mother's face. She was picking at her food silently, while everyone was in conversation amongst themselves.

I wonder if he's home?

Harry is three years older than Talia. He was never home when we were in high school because he always stayed at college. Before that in middle school, he lived with Talia's dad. I only met him once, when I went to Talia's Aunt's wedding back in sophomore year. He was a somewhat attractive young man, always telling jokes to make Talia laugh. Brown hair, green eyes, and a beaming smile is mostly of what I remember. I didn't pay much attention to him, because Talia and I drank too much of the champagne. I was focusing on not making it obvious in front of her family.

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