Small Regret

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"Asawa, may I use the restroom before we go back to the dorms?" I had just finished another day of school and Asawa was about to lead me to the dorms. The tired male looked annoyed, but accepted my request. Lucky I got Asawa to take me back, he's more laid back than the others. He won't follow me into the bathroom, he should stay right where he's at. He's also more lazy, so I have more time. I got on top of the toilet in the middle stall and reached to the side of the vent, which was sealed tightly onto the wall. Thankfully these cuffs have a limit, if I try hard enough then I can use an explosion about the size of my finger, but it hurts a lot when I try to use it so I gotta get this done quickly. I started to explode the sides of the vent to wear down the metal. Finally, I was able to get through one of the corners. I started slowly chipping at the next until I started to hear footsteps, I was almost all the way through. I quickly grabbed a cloth in my shirt that I had gotten at lunch and wiped away the black marks and the soot around the vent. I quickly sat down, and the door opened.

"Bakugou hurry up, I want to go home for the day."

"I'm coming you old fart, just hold on!" I shout, I quickly finish up and head out to the dorm.


"Eijiro, what do you want now?" He had been dragging me around with him all day ever since I got back from school. It was about 8:00PM and I was getting tired. I rub my eyes trying to stay awake. We were now sitting on the couch. Eijiro caught a glimpse of my tired face and grabbed my hand once again. "What now?" He dragged me to the second floor all the way to his bedroom door. "What are we doing here?" I rubbed my eyes again. He opened the door and pulled me in the room. "Oi shitty hair what's the big idea." I rebelled. He quickly closed the door. I glared at him. He rose his hands in defense and smiled shyly.

"Hey chill Bakubro, let's just hang out here, just like old times."

"I told you not to call me that! And what do you mean old times shitty hair!?" His expression saddened but his smile never left his face.

"Hehe, sorry Bakugou." He let his arms drop to his side and lent back resting against the door

"Why are you so obsessed with me, huh?" I plopped down onto the ground and held my face up with a palm. "You know I'm a villain right? I've killed people for god's sake, you chill with that?" He looked away from my angry gaze.

"I know that's not the real you." He mumbled

"What did you say, shitty hair! speak up!" I lifted my face out of my hands.

"I said that's not the real you!" He turned back to me with a slight spark of anger in his eyes. "The real you is aggressive but also kind. The real you wanted to be the top hero, not some damn villain!" His hands clenched up into fists. "The real you remembers his best friend!" A tear ran down his cheek and he extended his hand to me, softening his gaze. "Why- why can't you remember?" His voice cracked. "I-I thought we had something." In total confusion I slapped his hand away.

"Shut up ass hole, you don't know me! No one knows me! Fuck you, I hate you!" I ran to the door, shoving him out of the way. He didn't stop me, he just stood there, motionless. I slammed the door behind me. Cementos ran over to me; it looked like he had been searching for me. He grabbed my shoulder to which I aggressively slapped off, glaring intensely at him.

"You can't be in the other students' rooms, you know this. What were you two doing in there?"

"That's none of your business. Now get the hell out of my way, I'm going to bed." I pushed him to the side, he quickly ran into Kirishima's room and I went to my own. While I sat there in my bed I couldn't help but feel bad for yelling at kirishima. I didn't understand why though, it wasn't like we had a huge bond or anything.

A couple minutes later Asawa came into my room. I shot him a death glare but he wasn't fazed. "Bakugou, you know you're not allowed in the other students' dorms, this is a warning, /don't/ do it again." I rolled my eyes and layed back down pulling the sheets over my head. I only wished I could go back to the league of villains, that was where I belonged.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm screeching into my ear. I grabbed the clock and threw it into the wall where it stuck in place. Sluggishly, I lifted myself out of bed and got into my uniform. I felt like shit, all the events from yesterday were just too much. Kirishima probably told everyone what I did or some shit. I stepped out the door and went down stairs. As I went to the fridge to get food I was surprised that no one had glared at me, in fact, no one even went silent when I walked into the room. I decided not to think anything of it and made a b-line strait for the school. After the school day, I went to the bathroom again. Finally, it was time. I climbed up onto the toilet and opened the vent. Ok, I have 5 minutes to do everything. I pulled myself up and started crawling silently throughout. I looked into every vent I passed till I found it. Yes! The principal's office! I exclaim silently in my head. Only 3 minutes until Asawa finds out I'm missing. Nezu was organizing papers and soon got up grabbing his cup of tea and exiting the room. I quickly pried open the vent and dropped into the room. Ok so I have 50 seconds to find the prints and get the hell out of here. I ran over to his desk and searched through the draws one was locked so I scrambled to find a key. It was tucked into the back of one of the drawers. 30 seconds. I unlocked the drawer and quickly rummaged through the files my face lit up at the sight of the neatly tucked away blueprints I was looking for. Found it! I snagged them and scrambled back into the vent closing it behind me.


"Oi Bakugou you good in there?" Asawa knocked on the bathroom door

"One minute you stupid fuck, I'm almost done!" I shouted back. I'm screwed if he finds me in here; the vent's not sealed. I quickly started shooting small explosions, sealing up the vent.

"I'm coming in." shit! Asawa creaked open the door and stepped in. "Are you sure you're fine? Do you have bladder issues or something?"

"I'm fine! mind your own damn business, Idiot." I flushed the toilet and brushed off my clothes. stepping out Asawa immediately examined me. He reached out and brushed a little dust off of my shoulder. Luckily, he didn't think anything of it and started leading me to the dorms. That was close. The vent is just barely sealed, if he had looked at it; he would have figured everything out and my plan would have been a complete bust. Hopefully no one else notices.

On the way to the dorms I spotted the red head awkwardly kicking a rock with a sad aura around him. I averted my gaze not wanting any form of eye contact.


"Ahh home sweet home." I said while laying back on my dorm room bed.

"I'll be waiting outside the dorms tomorrow; so just come out when you're ready to go." Asawa said, closing the door. I quickly got up as soon as he left.

Okay, I have the blueprints to the whole school and even the dorms, along with the security blueprints. This is perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror. luckily I was able to find a blind spot from the visible camera. I pulled the blueprints out of my shirt and set them out being careful to not come into the view of the camera. I've already tested this out so I have 30 min until security comes and checks on me. I start tracing the prints onto another blank blueprint that I had stolen on me and Kiris' outing. Once I was finished I folded the blueprints backup and hid them into my shirt along with the copies. I went over to my bag for school and grabbed out my notebook and slid them into the side. I sat down in the camera's line of sight and drew for a while to avoid suspicion. Soon I went to bed.

Ahhhhh I live! poor Kiri. I wonder what will happen next????? Also sorry if everything seems a little.... Bad I'm just trying to post as much as I can x3 hopefully you all enjoy I'm very grateful to all the readers that read this book. Thank you very much! Also omg I'm going to die this is so fun writing this book. Are you guys liking it? it would seriously suck if you weren't xD. anyway tell me what your all thinking and stuff I'm dyeing to know. also love you all! have a good day or night! also sorry if there are grammar mistakes I'm not a professional.

I don't know you -Kiribaku- (Villen Ground Zero's rehablitation)Where stories live. Discover now