"Yeah I think so," she replied, "Hey where is John?"

Sam and Nine both turned around to look at me which I took as my cue to get up. Unfortunately, standing up made me so sick I immediately doubled over and threw up. I heard Nine start to laugh,

    "Great way to introduce yourself buddy." He said.

When I was able to control myself I looked up and walked dizzily over to the group. Nine practically had to catch me before I tripped over myself.

    "What happened, are you okay?" Six asked hesitantly. I could see the concern on all their faces. This probably wasn't the best way to meet half of the Garde for the first time.

    "Oh Johnny here decided to run himself into a forcefield. Great idea on his part." Nine said sarcastically

    "I'm fine," I managed to grunt out.

    "We told him he could stay back at the house but he insisted on coming." Sam said.

    "Did you try the healing stone?" She asked

    "Yeah It did not work, it actually seemed to make him feel worse."

    "Um... I could try, I have a healing legacy" Marina said sheepishly.

    "No way, that's dope." Nine said

    "Sure you can try." I told her.

She approached me and put her hands on my shoulders then an icey coolness spread all over me. It felt like it was working, I wasn't dizzy or nauseous anymore, I was able to relax for a moment. When she started to pull away I felt the sickness come back and I was hit with a rush of dizziness that made me lose my balance and fall on my back. I heard them all gasp,

    "Sorry," Marina said

    "Don't be it worked for a bit." I exclaimed trying to pick myself back up, Nine and Sam both grabbed my arms and pulled to help. "It's just going to take a little bit longer until I feel better."

    "John you have been sick and practically passed out for a week, I think it's going to take a while before you get better." Sam said

    "Not trying to be a downer or anything but shouldn't we get back to wherever guys are staying and out of the open." Eight suggested

    "Yeah you guys can follow me." Nine stated as he turned to leave. Sam, thankfully, draped my arm over his shoulder and helped my back, Six took my other arm and did the same.

    "When you left we didn't think you would come back with a posse." I said jokingly.

    "You didn't tell me you were going to find a jerk in the woods." She replied. "I guess we both have surprises." The three of us laughed. I still felt sick but us being back together again made me feel a hundred times better. When we got back to the house the first thing I did was go to my room, or the part of the house I considered to be my room, and went to sleep. That long trek took a lot out of me. I heard the others talking in the back room about different things like everyone's journey, how they found each other and they were talking about me for a moment. I was disappointed to miss our little reunion but I was too exhausted to care much.

    I woke up in the middle of the night, luckily without any dreams. Still feeling sick I stumbled into the other room to see if anyone was up.

    "How do you feel?" A voice said. I had to focus my eyes to see who. "Oh sorry, it's Marina. One of my legacies is seeing in the dark." She said.

    "Oh that must be nice to have," I said sitting down on the couch next to her. "But I'm okay."

    "What did you do exactly, Nine didn't really explain that well."

    "I ran into one of the Mogadorian force fields that surrounded their base. I know it was stupid but Setkráus Ra was right there and I wanted to get him so badly." I admitted.

    "Wait, you had a shot at Setrákus Ra?"

    "Ya but I blew it, Nine had to carry me out cause apparently it knocked me out for a while."

    "What was he like?" Marina asked intrigued.

    "Big," that was the first thing I could think of, "like taller than any Mogadorian I have ever seen. He's really pale and he has this disgusting purple scar around his neck."

    "Huh" she looked like she was at a loss for words and I agree, if I hadn't seen him that description would have certainly confused me.

    "Hey could you do that healing thing again, I know it didn't last forever but it really worked in the moment." I asked

    "Oh sure." She placed her hands on my shoulders again and the cool iciness flowed through me with a familiar feeling this time. I immediately felt better and let out a breath. When she stopped the sickness didn't come back as hard which was good.

    When everyone woke up a few hours later I was feeling better, enough that I thought we could all train like Sam, Six, and I did back in Florida.

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