Chapter 13 (Jasper and Alice)

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A/N: So this chapter is a Lemon if you do not like this they please exit but if you do please enjoy this, you horny people. Also, the only reason the vampire's body works like a normal human would is because of your heat and this will be split into parts.


From you

Carlisle: Car or Love

Esme: mon amour

Emmett: Teddy Bear or Teddy

Rosalie: Queen

Alice: Pixy or shorty

Jasper: Sebastian 2.0 or soldier

Bella: Bell or Princess

Edward: Ed or baby

From them

Carlisle: Darling

Esme: Chérie

Emmett: Foxy

Rosalie: Vouivre

Alice: Tree or lovey

Jasper: Mistress

Bella: Weeb or n/n

Edward: Dall or simp

Second to last night before your heats are done

"Oh shit, shit, shit," I say walking back and forth.

"Lovey what's wrong?" Pixy asks. "It's the second to last day of my heats and I'm worried," I say not stopping to look at her.

"Why are you worried?" Soldier asks. "Well on the last day of heats the biggest wave hits meaning we can't and won't be able to control ourselves and I feel bad for not telling Ren and Jacob about that," I say and flop down on a chair.

"So we have to run from you?" Bell asks with her head slanted. "No you can't run, even tho you're vampires I have your scents memorized, so the best you can do is, I would say chain me up but that won't work," I say sweating.

"Why can't I-" I cut shorty off. "You can't get a vision cause my heat is stoping that so you don't know who I'm going to catch first," I say. 

"You can still run but I might catch you quickly so sorry if you're the first one to get caught," I say

"Why can't we just help you?" Bell asks. "I'm too unstable to have a child I already have one, well two if you count Jace," I say.

"Well, I'm going to sleep you guys can decide what you are going to do.







I woke up and heat hit me like a bitch. I got off of my bed only to fall on the ground face-first.

"Why is my door metal," I say as I touch the door handle. "Oh today is my last day of heats," I say with a sinister smirk.

I punch the door but it barely made a dent so I turned my arm into my dragon arm and punched it again this time the door fell making a big bang sound "I'm coming loves!!!" I yell.

The sound of people vamp speeding can be heard and I caught all of their scents and went after them.

"Come out, come out, come out, wherever you are," I say darkly and I caught the scent of Alice, and she knew it too since she started running.

I took a shortcut and caught up to her easily.

I walk up behind her and put my left hand around her waist and my other around her neck.

~̶T̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶U̶n̶i̶q̶u̶e̶ ̶W̶e̶e̶b̶ ̶~̶  {͎T͎w͎i͎l͎i͎g͎h͎t͎ ͎x͎ ͎R͎e͎a͎d͎e͎r͎}͎Where stories live. Discover now