Chapter 12

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Yeah so I'm changing my writing style so yeah"


From you

Carlisle: Car or Love

Esme: mon amour

Emmett: Teddy Bear or Teddy

Rosalie: Queen

Alice: Pixy or shorty

Jasper: Sebastian 2.0 or soldier

Bella: Bell or Princess

Edward: Ed or baby

From them

Carlisle: Darling

Esme: Chérie

Emmett: Foxy

Rosalie: Vouivre

Alice: Tree or lovey

Jasper: Mistress

Bella: Weeb or n/n

Edward: Dall or simp

'Yuri may be gay but he is hot' I thought.

"You be simpin for everyone now," Ed says. 

"You're just made I don't simp for you," I say with a smirk. 

"You don't?" he says. 

"Nope," I say. 

"Then who do you simp for?" Ed asks and they all looked at me. 

"Uh, I love you all equally... But I if had to say it would be Solder, Queen and Mon Amour" I say and looked away from them.

 "Wait I can understand Rose and Es but why Jazz?" Bella asks.

 "Well one I'm a sucker for accents and two he reminds me of one of my favorite anime characters," I say.

 "Okay then," Bella says.

 "What is anime?" Emmett asks and I looked at him in disbelief.

 "You poor thing," I say wiping a fake tear away I take the remote off of the coffee table and turn on the tv and put it on NETFLIX and singed in using my account and put it on Black Butler, and when Mon amour brings me my dinner.

 "Thanks, Mon amour," I say.

 "Your welcome chérie" Mon amour says, I try to cut the stack.

 "Love, can you cut this for me?" I say looking at love.

 "Sure Darling," he says and cuts it in half I take one half with my hand and put it in my mouth resulting in my sharp teeth showing, and then I took the next one and ate it.

 "What the" Bell says and I lick my lips also resulting in my long-ass tong to show.

 "How," Ed asks.

 "All dragons have sharp teeth but a few have long tongues," I say.

 "Then how long is yours?" Teddy asks and I stick my tongue out and it reached past my chin.

 "What can you do with it," Alice asks 'That question is a little too not innocent for her to say and how do I even answer that' I thought.

 "Well I can reach down someone's throat," I say nonchalantly which caused Mon amour to choke on her water, and we didn't talk after that.






"God I wish I were those gloves" I mumble.

 "Heard that," Jasper says.

 "Yeah, I know you did but you got to tell me," I say and roll my eyes.

"Why do you simp for him so much," Emmet says.

I rub the bridge of my noes and put my hands together and say "Boy. The man can cook, clean, look hella hot wet, smart, a demon, and could rail me till I can't walk-" I say about to continue but a wave of heat hit me. "Mutherfucker," you say.

~̶T̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶U̶n̶i̶q̶u̶e̶ ̶W̶e̶e̶b̶ ̶~̶  {͎T͎w͎i͎l͎i͎g͎h͎t͎ ͎x͎ ͎R͎e͎a͎d͎e͎r͎}͎Where stories live. Discover now