Day 13

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I get into the shower and wash my hair and dry them with my hairdryer and then curl it.

I get started on my present for Sawyer.

It was picture of him from when he was younger.

I'd already started it but I knew that even though he was the one who was mean about me, I'd made him worried for my well-being.

I finished it off by filling it in with my pens and then get a frame for it from my crafts box.

I also get a card and write it for him.

I'd only give the gift to him if he gave me a gift.

I unlock my door and open it and walk out, tying my hair into a ponytail when Sawyer comes out of nowhere and attacks me with a hug.

I raise my eyebrows at his peculiar behaviour.

"Get off me." I say quietly as I gently pry his arms from me.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, my mouth almost drops open at what we've got.

We've got everything for Christmas dinner.

Not that I'd really had one in ages.

I see that the turkey is already defrosted and I start prepping.

I clean the turkey with lemon and start prepping the stuffing and start stuffing the turkey and I start making the marinade for the turkey.

Once it's done, I start putting it on the turkey before I get some vegetables and stock cubes and putting them in the dish that the turkey is going to being made in.

The steam of broth would help keep the turkey moist, I hope.

I wrap everything up for tomorrow and go to the couch where Sawyer is sitting and sit on the one opposite him.

I look briefly at his face and see the dark circles under his eyes and I hope it wasn't because he was worried about me.

I want to say something, anything but I can't so I get up and go to my room.

I do some workouts and then go back to bed, ready to get up early in the morning.

Indie and Sawyer's Lockdown BluesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat