Day 5... continued

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I was annoyed. I threw the ball up and down as I waited for Indiana to fall asleep.

"What a ball of fire." I mutter as I go to the bathroom and I hear her soft breathing.

She was asleep.

Probably the only time she was peaceful.

I tiptoe quietly into her room and stare at her.

"You never see her like this. It's a shame." I say and shake my head at the thoughts in my brain.

I couldn't help but sigh at the mess.

I look around but firstly my eyes gets caught by that dress. Something was so familiar about it.

I can't think of where I've seen it so I leave it for a second.

I try to find the picture and see a photo album that has INDIANA SHUTO written on the front in mesy handwriting.

It's not hers.

I open the first page.

Welcoming you Indie was no easy feat but it was worth it. You are a ball of fire and we could tell from the moment we met you. We'll love you always.

Mom and Dad.


I turn the page and watch as every single photo of her has a red cross over her face.

Damn Ana.

I knew the photo wouldn't be here because the frame wasn't anywhere.

I couldn't stop myself as I flick through all of them and every single one of them with her in it has her face crossed out.

I put it down and look for the photo and open her bedside table where I find it and have a brief moment of victory.

I look at it.

This was such a fun day and all of us were having a lot of fun.

That's when I noticed that Ana was missing from all the photos.

I go back to my room and see that all the photos are in a different order.

She wasn't in any of them and she was definitely there originally.

I go back to her room.

I get some rubbing alcohol and rub out the red X's from her photo album because they kind of ruin the photos and get the copy of the original photo which I have from my parents and put it in the album but not before writing my name on the back.

You know. Just in case I want it back.

I look at the dress in her bin and think about the photo.

It was Georgie's dress but the last time she wore it must've easily been 6 or 7 years ago.

Did it still fit her? Gross. Hand me downs.

She stirs a little and her eyes open.

"What are you doing Sawyer? It's so late." She asks in a sleepy voice and I have a hard time answering.

"I'm finding it hard to sleep. I got up to find the picture and now I can't sleep." Half truth, I could go back to sleep if I wanted to but I didn't.

"Okay..." She shifts and falls back asleep. I'm surprised she didn't get angry.

I spoke too soon.

She sits up rapidly and pushes on her glasses.

That's a sight I haven't seen in a while.

"Sawyer what the actual fuck are you doing in my room?" She get up out of her bed quickly but stops and holds her side for a second before ushering me out.

I hear a thump on to her ground and I hear lots of shuffling.

She opens the door and I quickly run to the end of the hallway where it's dark and she doesn't notice me.

She looks like hell and not because she's angry. She's holding her side as she limps to the kitchen and I peek around the corner as she takes some medication and sits at the sofa for a while.

She's okay.

I'm about to walk away when I trip over a plank and twist my leg in a bad way.

I forgot I still had alcohol in my system.

I try to get up but I can't as my leg feels very, very sore and then all of a sudden I can't feel
it very well.

"What are you doing?" She says to me as she hovers over.

"I can't feel my leg." She goes into Dr. mode.

"Do you mean you can't feel it at all or a certain part of it. You know what let me just check." She says as she helps me lay out and she tests out my leg.

I can feel it up until a certain part and she turns the light on all the way instead of just on a dim mode.

"You're bleeding." She says as she gets the first aid kit and stops the bleeding before leaving the dorm to get anyone in the med student dorms to assist.

Not many people are here and I sigh in relief when Davey comes running to help.

He helps Ana help me up and we go into the lift, get into the car and make the short drive to the small, yet fully functional hospital. 

We get out, enter the hospital and the Doctor, also our professor hands us some masks and thanks Davey as he leaves.

Ana thanks him as well and she hands him the keys to her car before he goes off.

I get put on a wheelchairs and she pushes me as she puts me in the examination room.

She sits down and takes off her bandaging as she checks it again and make sure she's cleaned it up.

She hands me a gown and she turns around and I realise I need to take off my clothes and put it on.

I do and cough to let her know I'm done.

She leaves the room briefly before the radiographer, Andrea, comes in and gets me ready for the X-Ray.

I may have been going crazy but I swear I saw a look of worry flash on Ana's face.

Indie and Sawyer's Lockdown BluesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang