The child appeared to be no more than a few months old and it was sleeping soundly inside the basket. It had light blond hair and an angry scar on its right cheek. Upon further inspection, she noticed that part of his left ear was missing. Who could have done such a thing to a child? She could not see the rest of the child’s body as it was covered by a separate blanket but something told her these were not the only injuries on the child. 

“That boy there is my nephew. He is or I should say he was my brother's only child,” he said in a sad tone. “Earlier this evening I found out my brother and his wife had been attacked. Someone found out his connection to me and well the child was the only survivor though he did not come out of it unscaved. Fortunately, he was found in time and taken to the healer's coven where they practically brought the boy back from the dead.” 

“I didn’t know you had a brother, I am sorry for your loss,” responded Lilith suddenly feeling weary. This was a lot of information to take in and it gave her a bad feeling. Someone had gone out of their way to locate a relative of the Emperor and execute them. Such an act of treason was unheard of. Nobody would even dare speak ill of the emperor. How could someone take such radical action? And then there was the boy, assuming her hunch was correct he must be under some sort of sleeping spell to help him heal. Though that scar on his face would not be going away. 

“Nobody did or at least that’s what I had assumed. And don’t be sorry, I had offered him the protection of our coven but he refused it. He wanted to live his life his own way. I’m sure you out of anybody can relate,” he noted.

Lilith’s thoughts immediately went to her younger sister Edalyn who, against her best efforts, refused to accept any help from her. “Of Course, do we know who did this?” she asked, still looking at the child in the basket. He was so young and yet he had already experienced so much pain. He had lost his home and his parents yet here he was sleeping soundly. 

“Yes, and I dealt with them personally. They seemed to be part of an organized group which I will give you the details about later but for right now there was something more important I wanted to discuss. A favor I wanted to request from you,” he said, pausing for a moment to make sure he had her full attention. “I understand that this is a massive request but I want you to take my nephew and raise him as your son,” he said looking directly at her. 

For a brief moment, she felt like an explosion had gone off next to her. Her ears were ringing, and she felt like the world around her was moving but in reality, nothing had changed. She was at a loss for words. Had she heard him correctly? He wanted her to raise this child? “Sir?” she mustered to sputter. 

“You are my most trusted ally, I can not care for the child myself and I am afraid he will meet the same fate as his parents if people find out he is related to me. If you were to agree to take him as your own he would have the full protection not only of the emperor’s coven but of the people as well. You are well-beloved by the individuals you lead and by the people of the isles who have a deep love and admiration for you as the face of the coven. I know that as your son no harm would come to him. Not only that but, he would also have the best teacher and guardian the boiling isles has to offer. The titan has big plans for that boy. It was no coincidence that he managed to survive such a terrible ordeal at such a young age. ” noted Emperor Belos. 

He had asked her to raise the boy. She couldn’t do this, she didn’t know the first thing about raising a child. She wished the room would stop spinning so she could think more clearly.  “Sir I don’t believe I am the right person for the job,” she said feeling dazed.

“I know I am asking a lot of you and I am prepared to compensate you for your efforts. You will receive a hefty pay raise to make sure the boy has nothing but the best and you will be given maternity time off so you can get acclimated to the new changes. Of course, our current arrangement with your sister’s curse still stands.” he noted in a soothing tone.

How could she say no? Just with the promise to heal Edalyn was enough for her to owe the Emperor this much and more. Yet it was too much responsibility. How was she supposed to take care of the boy? She had never been responsible for watching over anybody else other than herself. Though there was Edalyn but that didn’t turn out so great. “I have no experience taking care of children,” she muttered as she looked at the sleeping infant. 

 “Something you should know about my brother is that he was unable to use magic. There is a strong possibility that my nephew will never be able to use magic either which is something that he will have to overcome. You came from humble beginnings you know better than anyone that hard work beats talent. That is something this boy will have to learn and I believe you are the best witch to teach him that lesson.” he stated, sounding exhausted. “I had created a staff for his father that would allow him to use magic but once he left to follow his own path he returned it to me. I will give the staff to you so you can give it to the boy once he becomes of age so he can learn to use magic. The titan has a plan for all of us and I believe yours involves this boy. So are you willing to accept this task?”

The emperor’s words pulled her out of her daze. He was not ordering her to take the child but asking her because of the respect he had for her and her abilities. He could have ordered anyone to do this task but he truly believed she was the best choice. He needed her. Come on Lilith you are the head of the emperor’s coven. You have personally trained some of the best witches and demons on the boiling isles. You can do this. 

“Of course Emperor Belos, I will take the child and guard him with my life. I will raise him with the values of the coven. He will also learn to overcome his inability to use magic and surpass his peers,” she boasted proudly. Yes, this child would be her ultimate pupil. She will teach him everything she knows and would make sure he excels in life. “I will not let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” responded the emperor, sounding self-assured. “You will find the adoption papers in the basket with the child. Once you sign them it will be official. Now then you can take him and go.”

“Yes, Emperor Belos,” she responded before covering the basket again and lifting it. 

“Oh and Lilith, I don’t think I need to mention this but nobody can know that boy is related to me. Once he is old enough we can discuss it but until then only you and I can know his true identity,” asserted Emperor Belos in a threatening tone. 

“Of course, sir,” she responded as she gave a slight bow and turned on her heels to walk out of the throne room. As soon as the door slammed behind her she instinctively checked on the infant who surprisingly did not seem to have minded the noise at all. That was good she didn't want him to wake up.

“Alright little one let's go home,” she whispered to the boy as she made her way down the hall. 

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