Soul connections

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I would be lying if i said
that you haven't been on my mind
Or visiting frequently in my dreams
Just to spend quality time
Bringing me brownies That you've baked
Usually not a big fan but for you?
Id say id cross a billion miles
& I'm down to try anything new
Just the calmness of our souls
& the peace when we intertwine
It's something about your soul that i feel
Thats been heavy within the soul and my mind
Writing you poems regularly?
I've never done before, But i'm trying
If i said that i didn't enjoy it
expressing myself to you Just know i would be lying
I wanna get to know you The good and bad
Dont gotta be strings attached
But the way you make feel
The vibes been unmatched

The light within the darkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum