Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick

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"Wait. Hold up. What's going on?"

"Your sister bugged the choir room and told Mr Schue that some of us weren't singing during rehearsals."

'Oh, fuck'

"Yes," Rachel said, directed at you, "Even you. I am tired of carrying all of your weight. Regionals is in a month , guys," she continued. Looking around at the rest of the team.

"I'm just trying to understand what's going on here," Mr Schue said, " Finn , why did you stop singing?"

"Because you started giving all the male leads to Jesse. Kind of shook my confidence, you know?"

'Now you know how the others feel'

Santana sighed. "What difference does it make? Everyone knows that my job here is to look hot."

You pulled an 'okay' face, nodding your head to the side.

"You are hot."

Quinn glared at you momentarily, but you paid that no mind. The blonde rubbed her hands together as she gave her own reasoning.

"My baby hormones are making me moody."

"You're telling me," you mumbled to yourself, but still gaining a smack to the knee from the girl, as she had inadvertently heard you.

"There are so many lyrics," Brittany spoke next.

You shrugged yourself. "We all know that I'm here just to stop Rachel from doing things that will make me want to rip out my own eyes."

"And yet, you didn't stop 'Run, Joey, Run'," Quinn pointed out.

"In my defence." You pointed to the girl. "I don't really know what 'Run, Joey, Run' was until then. Also ! That was a comedic goldmine, and you can't deny that."

"Okay, no," your teacher stopped your and Quinns conversation, bringing the topic back to the problem at hand, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."

"I bet I could out logic that statement," you mumbled.

"A Glee Club is about a myriad of voices coming together as one," he said, linking his fingers together, in demonstration, "All right? This ends now. Which is why your assignment for the week." He paused, mulling his thoughts over. "Is for each of you to come up with a song that best represents how you see yourself, where you are in your lives right now . Your voice then... you're gonna stand up here and sing your hearts out. All of you ."

"Solos?" Kurt asked excitedly, "In front of everyone?"

"The Glee Club has lost its voice. It's time for us to get it back."

"I'm gonna sing 'Run, Joey, Run'," you joked.

Everyone, but Rachel, collectively gathered to fill the room with a resounding, "No!" As you cackled.


Twenty-four hours of Rachel badgering on at you about not singing in the club later. And you were sat in the midst of another Glee Club meeting.

You were sitting by yourself in between two empty seats, which you had your arms stretched out over their backs. Santana and Brittany behind you, and Matt and Mike in front of you.

Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Puck leaned in closer to Mercedes, "Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan ad," he tried to flirt.

"Seriously?" the girl replied, " That's what you came up with?"

"How he managed to get far enough to even get a girl pregnant is beyond me," you spoke to yourself as a slight cringe came over your face.

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