Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink

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"I'm sorry, what? That's gotta border on child abuse or something. At the very least."

"Sometimes, I add a teaspoon of sand," Brittany said.

You made a sarcastic humming noise, "Yummy!"

"That can't be healthy."

"Oh, it's not."

"Who cares?" Santana asked.

"You should."

"You can either feel terrible and look great. Or get kicked off the team when that reporter gets here."

"I've gotta taste this shit," you said against your better judgment, reaching over to take Brittany's bottle from her, considering she is the most likely to share. Before you stopped, looking the blonde in her eyes, and asked, "Is there sand in it right now?"

The girl nodded happily, and you also nodded, bot only once, and not happily. Then moved to reach for Santana's bottle.

Leaning your head back, you didn't even take a mouthful of the stuff before you cringed around the nozzle.

It was, somehow , worse than what Matt and Mike had made you drink the day you found Finn and your sister kissing at the bowling alley.

Man. A lot has changed since then.

You thrust the metallic bottle back into the Latina's hands, looking around wildly for anywhere you could spit out the liquid in your mouth.

Before you found it.

Bending over, you hastily spat the stuff into Santana's empty bowl upon her tray.

"That is hell," you husked, turning to Mercedes, "Don't drink that stuff. It will suck out your soul and shit on it."

You then began clearing your throat loudly, trying to get rid of the taste, unknowingly that Mercedes' had walked away and left her tray next to the salad bar.

Sticking out your tongue, you wiped at it with your hands. Trying to rid the flavour with your fingertips. But nothing worked.

Santana and Brittany were the next to leave. Also leaving their tray's, gulping down their drinks, and leaving you to your suffering.

You were the only one who still had their tray as you made your way to where Quinn stood at the entrance of the cafeteria. With you still creating strange noises, trying to hack away your mistake.

"You used to drink that stuff?"

The blonde nodded ashamedly.

"God, it's like demon water."


"I'm worried."

"Huh?" you questioned distractedly, too focused upon your laptop.

"Y/N." A sharp dig to your ribs.



"Yeah?" Still distracted.

"Pay attention."

"Yeah, you look great. And don't worry, you'll ace the test next week."

"That's not what I'm worried about," Quinn admitted.

"Then what's wrong?"

"It's Mercedes."

"Well, maybe you could help her study for the test."

"It's not about the test- Could you focus on me and not your laptop?!" Quinn snapped, finally drawing your attention to the blonde who was glaring daggers at you.

Berry Blues | Quinn Fabrayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن