Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band

Start from the beginning

Including yourself.

Looking over his shoulder from his whispered talk with your sister, he burst out laughing, "Looking great, guys!"

"This feels so weird," you cringed as Artie rolled into the teacher's view.

"I haven't seen you with long hair since we were kids," Rachel pointed out.

"Yeah, I don't like it. I'm just glad I have solidarity with these guys." You gestured to the wig-wearing boys.

"You don't... look like you," Quinn spoke.

"Good to know I can use this if I ever need to go on the run."

"What would you even go on the run for?" Your sister asked.

"Nothing you can prove."


You were by Quinn's locker after fishing what you needed from your own, when you stepped up and spotted the book in her hand.

Reaching over to take it from her, you asked, "What's this?"

"Puck stole it for me."

"Oh, how romantic," you said dryly, flipping the book over to read its cover, "'How To Raise A Baby On Five Dollars A Day'. I don't think I've ever heard of something so depressing. That also seems impossible."

The blonde snatched the book back and shoved it into her locker. Before slamming it and strutting away.

You sighed.

How could you keep on forgetting about how her baby hormones could make her emotions change instantly and how bad they could get. But you never forget the rage. No one could forget that.

"Quinn," you called after her in a restrained voice, following close behind, even pregnant, she was fast on her feet, and you had to jog up just to catch up. "Hey, hey, wait." You grabbed her arm lightly, pulling her around to face you. "I'm sorry, okay? I know you're going through a tough time and everything, so there's like a thousand and one worries going through your mind every second. And it was insensitive of me."

She sighed and shook her head lightly, "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

A shrug. "It's the demon hormones" The glower on her face caused you to rush and correct yourself, "Baby. I meant baby hormones ."

"I'm just under a lot of pressure right now."

"I know you are." You nodded, remembering what had happened just that morning in a parking garage

"You don't drink diet soda, do you?" Terry Schuester asked from the backseat of the car, "Because the phosphoric acid causes male pattern baldness."

"That sounds fake, but okay," you uttered from the passenger side seat, upfront, looking back at the three blonde girls. Only just being introduced to Terri's even crazier sister, Kendra.

"The baby's a girl."

"Women go bald, too."

"With male pattern baldness ?"

"You worry too much, Terri," her sister said, "Mom smoked and drank a bottle of Riuniti on Ice every night when she was pregnant with us." Your eyes met Quinn's, the same 'what-in-the-actual-fuck' face upon both of yours, the blonde slowly turning to face Kendra with furrowed eyebrows. "And we're totally normal."

"I wouldn't go that far," you commented, "But this is making a lot of sense."

Quinn nodded at you mutedly, trying not to let the women see.

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