Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club

Start from the beginning

"And where would I go?"

You were a few steps behind Quinn. The girl, not wanting your help, just to walk down the hallways. But you kept close enough so that you could rush to her in time if she needed it. All the while, shooting Finn a few update messages.

Y/N: Taking your girlfriend to my place.

Y/N: She's too sick and has nowhere else to go.

Y/N: Make something up for me.

Finn: Thank you.

Finn: Seriously. You're a great friend.

Finn: I owe you one.

Y/N: You owe me like twelve at this point, but who's counting.

Finn: Where did you get that number from?

Y/N: I've been adding them up since we were thirteen.

"Who are you texting?"

You looked up to find Quinn watching you, semi-annoyed.

"Just updating Finn."

"Oh..." she said slowly, "Thank you."


"Why is there a sleeping cheerleader on our couch?" Your father asked, walking into the kitchen where you were busy working on some homework.

"She was too sick to stay at school, so I said she could come here. Don't worry. She only has food poisoning."

"And why is she here and not at her own house?" Hiram asked this time.

"Uh... family issues... I, uh, didn't ask. It wasn't my place."

You may have been adopted, but you still had some similarities with the people you lived with.

What could you say? You were a family of actors.

"Okay." LeRoy nodded. "Just wish you would have told us first. We almost woke the poor girl coming in."

"Sorry. But I honestly didn't think you two would be back before she left. Still probably should have told you."

"Well, tell us next time," Hiram said, patting your shoulders, "That is if you're planning on bringing cheerleader's home a regular thing."

"Who knows, I just might."

"You better not."

"What's the limit?" you asked jokingly, looking up at your father still standing behind you, ignoring everything LeRoy had just said.


"That I can work with."

"You're both as bad as each other."

You chuckled as you stepped away from your open textbook, moving to go check on Quinn yourself.

The men watched from their spots at the open kitchen door as you laid a soft blanket over the girl. Glancing over at one another, with a knowing look in their eyes. Until their gaze's returned to you and Quinn.

"I bet they're married by the time they're twenty-five."

"I'm not gambling on our child's love life," LeRoy told his husband, turning and walking deeper into the kitchen, "But I will say that they'll have a baby at that age too. Right after their wedding."

"Oh, you're on."


"Morning, sleeping beauty," you spoke as you heard the blonde stir awake beside you, concentrating on the game you were playing on the screen, "You feeling up for some lunch? My dad's cooked chicken and made you up a plate for when you woke up."

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