Hurt - Chuuya x Reader ◻

Start from the beginning

"I think a certain executive caresss about youuuu~" 


"Oh, come on." He wiggled his fingers at you. "I'm an empath! I know all!"

You gave him a murderous glare, but it subsided as you took his words into consideration. 

What he was saying was true after all, his ability let him feel people's emotions so he would be able to tell if Chuuya liked you back. Wait- you gave him a sharp look, blushing as you realized that meant he could tell your own feelings for the gravity manipulator. 

"Hope, confusion, shock- embarrassment, ahhh there we go, you've figured it out."  

You opened your mouth for a stinging reply but were interrupted by none other than Chuuya himself calling everyone to leave. 

"We'll finish this later you piece of shit." You hissed at Kou before marching off. 

                                .                       .                      .

"I guess Mori-san was right to have us check it out." Chuuya said with a grin. "I haven't had this much fun in days!"

"You have an interesting definition of fun, sir." You grumbled listening to the sound of gunfire over your heads. 

"Perhaps." The ginger replied with a chuckle. "Try to keep up everyone." With that a red glow surrounded his body and he leapt into the bullets, deflecting them with his ability.

"Keep up??!!" You yelled, watching him easily strike down one of the men. Damn he was strong. 

The other ability user in your group, a water wielder, made the ground beneath the enemies' feet turn to sludge and they began to sink. With most of the guns out of action you jumped up with the other mafiosi and raced out, confronted with more people coming out of the building. 

You shot a guy, not seeing where it hit, and ducked another person's knife, kicking their legs out from underneath them and shooting. 

"Y/N!" Nakanda yelled and you immediately ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding a hit. 

You nodded thanks at your comrade and turned to scan the field. The mafia group was outnumbered but fighting fiercely. You couldn't see Chuuya anymore which worried you until a few guys slammed into ground, outlined in red. 

The executive was taking out the most people as nothing could touch him. You rotated and saw Nakanda and a few more fighting a group, the water wielder drowning someone, and more people fighting here and there.

Three more people came at you and a few of your friends came to your aid. Why did it almost seem like they were targeting you? You spun around, trying to take how the fighting was going for everyone else.

You could see a few people on the ground sobbing, most likely from one of Kou's attacks, but where was your friend?

"Y/n!" You thought you heard him shout from the building behind you. You ran inside, a bad feeling in your gut as you entered darkness.


Ducking to narrowly avoid the bullet, you surged up, putting all of your energy into your legs to leap and swing a kick at the person's head but they dodged at the last second, swinging an arm around as you landed.


Your eyes watered in pain, and you fell to your knees

The man's aim had struck true, and the knife had embedded itself in your stomach. 

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