Chapter 219

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The Result Of Choice, Part X

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

"... if Lady Mielle had done well from the beginning what I had told you, this would never have happened!"

If Mielle had dealt Aria well, the Crown Prince would not have turned his eyes on her, and this work would not have gone wrong like this, and Isis answered sharply,

"I shouldn't have followed you... you ruined us all!" said Mielle, with her eyes full of tears, as if she could not hear Isis's words. She seemed to be insane. It had been repeated for days, and it was not new.

"... shut up!"

Nevertheless, Isis, who could not bear it, shouted, because she was not in good condition. She had waited for a lawyer, feeling her blood cooling in the situation that everything ran according to the scheme of the Crown Prince, but no one visited Isis.

No, she could not find anyone, because all those who had gone along with her had already been in the same situation. Moreover, like all other nobles, she had been taken all her property. So she sat down like a broken doll and fell into frustration with an unknown depth. But she suddenly heard a familiar voice.


Looking up, there stood Aria, who could be considered the root of all this. She was now as beautiful as an angel from heaven, wearing a bright dress that was not available to Isis and Mielle. Even though she was a woman who had made her fall to hell, at her absolute beauty she was speechless. The rudeness and shame that she had never felt before penetrated her whole body.

'Why? She is a woman of humble origin, but why is she so beautiful? It should be the woman who feels this feeling, but why am I...?'

"Are you okay?"


Mielle freaked out and screamed silently in the friendly tone of Aria. It was as if she had seen a reaper.

"How poor you are... You've been hurt a lot."

It was definitely a voice of concern, but because she couldn't know the inside of it, Mielle had great fear.

"You don't have to worry now. How can I leave my only sister like this?"

Aria smiled and beckoned to the knight who accompanied her. He held the key in his hand to unlock the prison's hard cage.

"I want to get you out of here right now, but I can't do it until the sentence is made, because you committed a crime..."

'Then, what's the key in his hand?' Miele's uneasy gaze turned to the key, and Aria smiled and replied,

"I'm here today because I've been worried about how you're doing. How about drinking tea together?"

As soon as Aria was finished, the door of the prison opened and a knight came in even if Mielle didn't approve. No, Miele's permission was not needed. Now she had no choice because she lost all such power and status.

"Tea, tea...?"

Mielle was embarrassed and asked, as Aria suddenly said to drink tea with her, but Aria did not answer and walked out. Miele was taken by the knight, frightened like a cattle being taken to a slaughterhouse.

"Where the hell are you taking me...?" She shouted but no voice came back. The leading Aria just walked elegantly and steadily, as if nothing was heard.

'Perhaps...! Will you cut my head, though you said you would drink tea with me...?' She was dragged away, struggling with fear, but she, fortunately, arrived in the lounge, not the execution stand. As if prepared in advance, there were steaming hot tea, cookies, and fruits. Aria, first sitting on a soft and fluffy sofa, pointed to the other side and said tenderly,

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