Requited Love

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            Naruto headed to Uchiha inc. He was going on his trip tonight, so he was going to resign today. He climbed into the crowded elevator, and it was very full. He got pushed up a wall, and people were flooding in. There was no space in the elevator by the time the doors closed. The doors opened to floor 9, and everyone left. Curious, Naruto went to floor 9 to see what all the commotion was about. He followed the crowd, and then all went into the auditorium. He sat down in one of the chairs, and soon Sachiko came onto the stage. "Hello everyone! I would like to announce that all of you are invited to my wedding!" She yelled. Naruto clenched his fist, then left the auditorium. 

          "I'm resigning." Naruto informed. Sasuke looked up from his papers. "Reason?" He asked. "I only came here to make money for my trip. I'm leaving tonight." Naruto reasoned. "What about when you come back?" Sasuke asked. "There's no telling when I'll get back." Naruto stated. Sasuke nodded. "Well, I'll keep this position open when you come back." Sasuke informed. "Thank you, Mr. Uchiha." Naruto smiled. Naruto left, and took his crates. But he came back. "Oh, and congratulations on your engagement." Naruto congregated. Sasuke bit his lip. "You know that I wouldn't do this if I had a choice." Sasuke whispered. "Well, be grateful that your getting married to someone. Some people won't ever find love in their life, you now." Naruto smiled. Sasuke frowned. "Naruto, you know that I'm sorry right?" Sasuke asked. "Five years, Sasuke. Five years." Naruto whispered. "I'm sorry I won't be there for your wedding." Naruto apologized. "If your not there, I'm not going either. The only person I would ever marry is you." Sasuke said, taking both of Naruto's hands in his. Naruto pulled back though, and left. 

         Naruto was fiddling with his hands nervously. He was on the plane, and the plane was taking lift off. He looked out the window, it was in the middle of the afternoon and the sun was at its brightest. Naruto finished a movie and two coke cans by the time they were 3/4 of the way there. For the rest of the flight he was sleeping soundly. 

         Naruto blinked his eyes open to the sound of a person talking. He then realised he  probably arrived at the mystery place. He excitedly rushed off the plane, and into the airport. He then realised that he was in Takigakure. He looked out the airport window, and it was surrounded by beautiful scenery. Naruto then exited the airport. Yahiko said that he would be staying at Takiyado. Naruto took a few buses, and soon he arrived at the hotel. The hotel was a tall and pretty building. Naruto checked in, and soon arrived at his room. 

His room was a small one bedroom, but it was very neat and luxurious. It was early evening now, and Naruto decided to go to the grassy hills to watch the sunset. He walked a long way before finally arriving. The hills were a perfect place for watching the scenery. Naruto took a deep breath, and sat on the soft grass. The blue and pink were mixing together, and the clouds took form of a phoenix. Naruto sat in pure comfort for a while, before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up, and he saw a pair of dim eyes looking down at him. "Itachi?" He asked, shocked. Itachi chuckled. "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here, Naruto." Itachi smiled. Naruto nodded. The two stood there in silence before Itachi finally decided to speak up. "I heard about what happened." Itachi spoke. Naruto gulped. "My brother really is foolish..." Itachi sighed. 

           Naruto woke up in his hotel room. He yawned. The town he was in was peaceful. He finished his breakfast, and walked downstairs, waving to the receptionist. Naruto decided to go downtown. 

          Sasuke was on the verge of collapse. His eardrums were bursting because of Sachiko's screaming. He missed Naruto. He stood up, and marched out of the room. He couldn't be thinking about Naruto now. He was getting married and having a kid soon. He was going to make a Uchiha heir, and build a family, yet a part of him didn't want to. A part of him despised a family without Naruto. He was now trapped. He regretted everything up until now. He wished he had never met Sakura, nor leave Naruto.

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