I hate my life...

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     Naruto woke up due to the sound of crashing. "Hinata, what happened?" Naruto asked, walking downstairs. Hinata was in a pile of dirt. "I-I Didn't thing the bag would fall on me-" Hinata explained. Naruto sighed, and started too help Hinata, but he smacked Narutos hand away. "I can do this by myself, Naruto-kun. Please, go out and buy yourself breakfast." Hinata requested. Naruto nodded, and respected Hinatas wishes. He walked out of the house, not knowing that he was still a morning mess in his pajamas. Naruto walked into the store, and picked out a package of ramen. Naruto payed, and left the store. 

         Sasuke embraced him when he was walking back. "Mr. Uchiha, please let me go." Naruto ordered. Sasuke didn't care though. He clung onto Narutos back, not listening to Naruto. Naruto shoved him off him. "Mr. Uchiha, let's start over again as strangers." Naruto requested. Sasuke stared at him though, before hugging his angel. Naruto shoved him off, and punched him straight in the face. "Leave me alone!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke recoiled, before nodding his head, and putting plan c into action. Sasuke pinned Naruto down on the tree, and looked him straight in the eyes. "My family payed for your education. Don't you think you owe us?" Sasuke said, staring into Narutos eyes. "B-But I never asked for it!" Sasuke put his index finger onto Narutos lips, cutting him off. "Shh, You will start working at Uchiha Inc tomorrow at 9. It's a fair deal, I'll still pay you." Sasuke ordered. "No!" Naruto screamed. Naruto ran off, but Sasuke grabbed his arm. "What did you say?" Sasuke whispered. "Help! This man is harassing me!" Naruto screamed. A man with red hair and purple prosthetic eyes came over, glaring daggers at Sasuke with a phone ready to call the cops. Sasuke 'tched' and let go of Naruto. Naruto ran at full speed, not caring where he was going. Naruto ended up bursting down the doors to Yahiko's place. "Naruto! What's wrong?!" Yahiko asked. "Sasuke! I hate him!" Naruto screamed. "I thought so. Don't worry, Naruto, Jiraiya booked you plane tickets to a small and peaceful  place with very few people. He booked you a hotel in a small town. You will be staying there for 2 weeks to cool off and forget about the bastard." Yahiko explained. "Oh my! Send Jiraiya my regards! Thank you so much! It's just what I needed!" Naruto thanked. "You're leaving in 2 weeks, get ready!" Yahiko called. Naruto nodded, and ran off. 

    Naruto started packing a tiny bit of his clothes and belongings. One problem; He had no money. Sasuke's voice rang in his head. "Maybe I should accept Sasukes offer, I could use the money..." Naruto mumbled. He slumped on the bed, and dozed off, not caring that it was the afternoon.

    Naruto woke up due to the sound of knocking. He jumped up, and checked the time. 8:38. Narruto gagged, and rushed to the bathroom. After he was done with the bathroom, he rushed downstairs and grabbed a handful of granola bars. Naruto jumped bac upstairs, and rummaged his closet. He took out a orange and black jacket, and tossed it over his tinted net fish shirt. He jumped into his blue and orange pants, and rushed out the door. 

*what his jacket looked like

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*what his jacket looked like

     Naruto dashed to the Uchiha building, and caught his breath before entering. Everyone there was dressed in formal clothes, and they just glared at Naruto's street clothes. Naruto figeted his hands nervously, and pressed the button for floor 12. Naruto adjusted his jacket nervously, and when he arrived at floor 12, he almost fainted. All of people on floor 12 glared at him, and whispered inappropriate remarks. Naruto gulped as he knocked on the massive doors. He heard a "Come in" and hesitated. He checked the time; He was nearly 15 minutes late. He stood at the doorway for what felt like years before he finally decided to leave and that it wasn't worth it. Naruto turned to leave, and started walking bac to the elevator, but a hand grabbed his arm. Naruto gulped in horror as he turned around. His eyes met a very grumpy Sasuke whose eyes were glaring and tired. Naruto tried to break free of his ex-lovers hold, but Sasuke was much stronger then he was. "What do you want?" Naruto asked. Sasuke gritted his  teeth. "What do you mean? I didn't expect you to actually come, and when you did, you left! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Sasuke yelled. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You just left me there in despair and now what!? You want me to work for you!?" Naruto screamed. Sasuke hung his head low. Naurto sighed. "When do I start?" Naruto mummered. "Right now!" Sasuke exclaimed. Naruto stomped into Sasukes mega office, and slumped on the couch. "You will work as my secretary, You can use the other desk in my office. Sasuke pointed to the small desk across the room. Naruto stomped to the desk, and sat himself down. Sasuke threw a bunch of papers on Narutos desk. "Make sure to do all these." Sasuke smirked. Naruto gulped as he stared at the thick stack of paper. 

    Naruto had done about a quarter of the paperwork when Sasuke slammed a hand on the table. Naruto looked up curiously. "What is it?" Naruto asked, tilting his head. "It's lunch time." Sasuke informed. "Really? That's a surprise, you usually just stay in your office working." Naruto said. Sasuke sighed, and grabbed Narutos hand, pulling him with him. "H-hey! Where are you taking me!?" Naruto asked. Sasuke ignored him, and continued to drag Naruto along. Sasuke shoved Naruto into a restaurant and pulled him down on the seat. "Sasuke! What are you doing?!" Naruto yelled. "Shut up, and eat." "No! I won't! Stop forcing me to eat with you! I don't want to be around you!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke cringed, and stood up from his seat. "Naruto, I'm sorry." Sasuke determined. Naruto felt a tear down his eye, then many came. "Sasuke... I hate you!" Naruto screamed, before storming off, and breaking down and sobbing.

        "I hate my life..." Naruto sobbed. 

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