Nov. 23 2021

739 7 16

It's my birthday today! So, I decided to do something special for this chapter! (It is a flashback!!)

-Thank you for everything! 

"Naruto..." a voice called behind me. I turned around to see a pair of lavender eyes. "Oh! Hinata?" I asked. Hinata's face turned red all of a sudden and he started stuttering again. "B-Brother N-Neji want t-to see y-you," Hinata made out. I nodded, and went off to find Neji. "Neji!" I called. Neji whipped his head around to see a flock of yellow blocking his view. "Naruto, Hinata asked me to ask you if you want to sleep over at the Hyuga estate." Neji explained. "Sure," I accepted. 

The Hyuga estate turned out to be a one story mansion with gates and crap. I stared for a bit, then I entered the giant place. After 2 minutes of walking, sure enough I got lost. Luckily, I spotted Natsu. "Natsu!" I called. The maid turned around and pointed at a large door. "Thanks!" I called. 

The room had 3 beds, and Neji, Hanabi and Hinata were all waiting for me. It was pretty dark outside, and they were watching a movie and eating the popcorn. I jumped onto the couch, and started eating with them. I took handfuls of the buttery and salty flavorful popcorn. The movie was about a woman and a cat who had to save their house that was on fire, at least that was the main plot. 

Neji threw a pillow straight at me, and I threw one back at him. He squinted, and fell back, while Hinata threw a cushion at me, and Hanabi tackled me. Hinata and Neji strangled me, and I fell back on the bed. It's not fair! They are targeting me! 

I woke up to see Hinata sleeping right next to me. His face was peaceful, and he was very much asleep. Hanabi fell asleep on the ground, hold a bag of marshmallows, while Neji was sleeping peacefully on the other bed. I tiptoed out, not wanting to wake them up. I threw on my jacket, and left the Hyuga estate. I walked towards the school, but a familiar voice stopped me. "Naruto? The school doors don't open till 7." 

I turned around to see the stone face of Sasuke Uchiha. I rolled my eyes at him, and continued my way into the school. Sasuke's strong arms folded around me, and I just sighed. He flew me up, and hung me around his shoulder. "Hey! Where are you taking me!?" I screamed. He ignored me, and I started kicking. His hand caught my leg, and forced me to stop kicking. I watched in disbelief as he carried me up the hill, and dropped me on a air mattress on the hill. Talk about weird. He then handed me a basket full of flowers. I blinked in confusion, but then took the basket of Carnations and Gardenias. He put a flower in my hair, and kissed me on the forehead. His sense of romance wasn't that bad after all. 

I walked through the busy halls of the school, trying to get to my locker. I tripped over a shoe, and walked headfirst into someone. I looked up to see a very disgusted face. Sakura. Sakura was staring at me like she wanted me dead. I gulped, and continued my way to my locker, pushing past the crowds of people. "Naruto?" A soft voice called. I whipped around to see my one and only family left, and my cousin Karin. "Karin!" I exclaimed as I took my math books out. "Are you living with our godfather, Jiraiya? I mean, has it changed?" Karin asked. "Yeah, he moved around the furniture. How's it going by yourself?" I replied. "Not so great, everyone recognized my Uzumaki red hair. People were getting too personal and my old boss retired, and the new one fired me because I refused to let her cut my hair. I'm moving back in soon. Without a job I can't pay my bills." Karin explained. I nodded, waved, and rushed off to class. 

Karin walked with me when school ended. We were walking to her apartment to pick up her stuff. We picked up her belongings, and headed to my house. Me and my godfather, Jiraiya live in a small house in a corner. "Jiraiya! I'm home with Karin!" I yelled. 

"Hey kids," He greeted. The house had 3 bedrooms. Jiraiyia had a room, and I did too. The spare room was connected to my room through the closet. Karin and I started unpacking her things, and soon enough, her room was loaded. I waved, as I walked into my room through the closet. I picked up my phone to see that an unknown number texted me. Curious, I clicked on the message they sent me.

'Stay away from Sasuke-kun.'

What the heck? Who was this mystery person? Stay away from Sasuke? I don't know... I buried the phone in the sheets, then stomped downstairs to eat a snack. While getting a snack, I grabbed my homework on the way. 

"d=√(6 – 2)² + (6 – 3)² B=√(17)² B+D=...? What! I don't get this!" I yelled. Karin knocked on the door, then handed me a advanced calculator. "Use this, and also try breaking up the formula into bits, then connect them," Karin explained. I nodded, and continued to break my brain. 

"Yes! I got it!" I yelled. My phone vibrated next to me, so I looked for it under the covers and went to check my notifications. 

'Sasuke-kun is mine, don't forget that'

"What!?" I screeched. Karin got up from the chair, and said, "Who's that?" I nodded, but another notification popped up. 

'He doesn't love you, he loves me'

"Who? What's going on?" Karin asked. She stared at me with a confused look, and I just shook my head. Karin glared at my phone, then gave me a very good suggestion. "Why not call the number?" I dialed the number, and before I could say anything, Karin snatched my phone. "Listen here you dumb dork dingbat! Do. Not. Mess with Uzumakis. AND LEAVE MY COUSIN THE FUCK ALONE!!" Karin screamed. The user immediately hung up, and all that was left was me, confused and a flaming Karin. Her red hair looks like it's stained with blood sometimes.

One Missing Piece: LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora