It Wasn't Worth It After All..

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         Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't Updated for a while, I had writers block. 

                  Naruto sat with his knees tucked in under the Wisteria trees. It was April. 14th. Their anniversary. Naruto was at the spot where they had their first anniversary. The trees were in season, and the purple flowers were dangling down like crystals. "Naruto." A voice called. Naruto whipped his head around to meet the eyes of Uchiha. "What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, though he already knew the answer. "I didn't think that you would come, Naruto." Sasuke admitted. "Me? I was positive that you wouldn't come. After all, you are a cheating scumbag who didn't love me." Naruto spat. "Naruto..." "Don't "Naruto" me!" Naruto yelled. They stood there in silence for what seemed like eons, but Sasuke broke the silence after a while. "Happy anniversary, Naruto." He smiled. Naruto scoffed, then stormed off. 

          Naruto headed back to Hinata's. Only a few days left before going away, which meant only a few days left of working at Uchiha Inc. Naruto was all packed for his trip, and was as hyper as ever. "Hinata, I'll be sure to text you when I get there!" Naruto promised. "I would like that, Naruto-Kun." Hinata smiled. Naruto nodded, and slumped on his bed. He got a notification from someone. 

Wanna hangout in 20? -Gaara 

Sure- Naruto

Naruto got off his bed, and made his way to Gaara's. He soon approached a familiar house. "Gaara!" Naruto exclaimed when he saw the redhead. "Hey, Naruto. Let's go for a walk?" Gaara smiled. "Of course, Gaara!" Naruto agreed.  They walked all around town, and stopped for lunch at a burger joint. "This burger is so good, Gaara!" Naruto exclaimed happily. Gaara nodded, and they wandered off. 

         Naruto woke up happily, tomorrow he would be on his trip. He wore a blue and orange outfit, and walked through the doors of the massive building. "Good morning, Naruto." Sasuke greeted. "Good morning to you too, Mr. Uchiha." Naruto grumbled. Sasuke sighed, and walked into his office. Naruto cleaned up his workspace, leaving nothing but the documents and a computer there. He placed the crate in the corner, before getting to work again. 

          "I would like to see Sasuke- Kun!" A girl squealed through the phone. "I uhhh, Okay, I suppose he isn't busy, send her in." Naruto approved. The girl rushed to floor 12. She practically ran to Sasuke's office. She had blonde hair with bangs, and brown eyes. Naruto raised a brow, then got back to work. 

A few minutes later, Naruto heard intense squealing and screaming and laughing. Soon, he heard glass shattering. Having enough, Naruto got up from his seat, and knocked on the double doors for Sasuke's office. The scene in front of him was Sasuke, looking pissed and frustrated, and the girl had a victory, overjoyed, and almost evil smile. "Uh, whatever you're doing in here, turn it down a notch. I'll bet that the janitor isn't going to be happy with shattered glass on the floor." Naruto informed. Sasuke grumbled loudly, then stormed out of the office. "What was that all about?" Naruto asked the girl. "It's official! I'm getting married to Sasuke Uchiha!" The girl squeaked. Naruto snickered, 'No way Sasuke would marry a random fangirl like her, but he did propose to one before...' Naruto thought. "You might think not, but it's really true! Next month we're getting married! What's your name? You're invited, too!" The girl squealed. 

Naruto froze. He felt like the world was spinning around him. He was losing balance, but the girl swung her arm around his shoulder. "I'm Sachiko Haruno! Mr. Sasuke has always been my crush! Isn't he handsome? I mean, your a guy and all, so I'm sure you won't understand! He somehow got married to Sakura for a while, I mean, she's my cousins aunts niece's grandma's granddaughter, and she's family. I'm so gonna get Sasuke's heart!" Sachiko rambled. Naruto froze. 'Two Haruno members. They will always be superior, won't they?' Naruto thought sadly. "U-um, Ms. Haruno... I won't be in the country for your wedding, I'm sorry..." Naruto explained. "Oh, that's alright! I bet Sasuke-Kun is getting my ring right now!" The girl squealed. Naruto sighed sharply, then ran to the washroom. He curled into a ball in one of the stalls, and let a few dozen tears fall. "Just when we were almost friends...Just when I was getting over him... Just when I thought he was trying to get me back... Tell me, kami, what is it with Haruno's?" Naruto asked the wall, still crying. Naruto got himself together, then sniffled a bit before leaving the washroom. But when he was leaving, he came face to face with a man he hated, but loved. He ran right into Sasuke's chest. Sasuke looked down at Naruto with pity and longing eyes, but then left to the stall. Naruto whimpered in sorrow, then he left and sat back at his almost empty desk. He was quitting tomorrow after all. 

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