Chapter 14: Christmas Problems

Start from the beginning

You were about to hand Loki the last box but hesitated, grabbing out something you were hiding in the closet instead, you would have wrapped them but you didn't have any bags or boxes big enough. You order two Squishmallow plushes, one of Loki and one of you, they were kind of big, about 3 feet tall, perhaps a bit childish, but when you found a company that would make custom ones, you just had to get them. Loki's plushy had him in his classic attire, sceptre and helmet included, along with a super adorable grumpy face, while yours had you in white skates, a sparkly green figure skating dress with a big smile and space buns. You lit up a little while going on about how cute you thought they were, admitting to Loki that you knew they were a little childish but you couldn't help it, handing him the one of you as you gave Plush Loki a tight hug, whispering "so soft", under your breath before giggling. 

It actually took you a few minutes to calm down, you were too excited and happy about the Squishmallow plushes, but eventually, after more than a few deep breaths you handed Loki his final present. Your hands were almost shaking as you gave him the box, "please fit, please fit, oh god please fit" echoed repeatedly in your mind, you internally freaking out about it, as it took you a while to make this gift. "Are you alright?" Loki asked, sensing your anxious energy behind your plastered smile, and at first, you tried to play it off as nothing but you eventually confessed that this final gift was one you made, it was something he could wear but you were worried it wouldn't fit. You measured everything multiple times before cutting, doing the math several times, even secretly getting measurements from Thor, who got them from Vision as he could easily calculate his size just by looking at him. Even after all that you were still paranoid that somehow, it wouldn't fit, but more than that, you were terrified he'd hate it. You came up with the pattern by yourself, spending a long time designing it, you had more than a dozen pages with multiple sketches, but you weren't a professional designer or anything. You worried that despite taking your time to make sure every piece of the garment was perfect, Loki being a God and a prince you were worried it wouldn't be good enough for him. Sure you bought a sweater from the museum and he wore it around casually, but to you, this was different, and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't get rid of these negative feelings. 

"How the fuck is she this cute?" Loki asked himself, your nervous expression was adorable, the almost scared and anxious pout on your face was nearly too much for the God of Mischief. It made him nervous, he would obviously love anything you got or made for him but if it didn't fit, it would no doubt break your heart a little, and he didn't want to see that happen. Luckily neither of you had to worry about it as the garment you made fit him perfectly, a little roomie but the style wasn't supposed to be skin-tight. Loki stared down at the jacket in disbelief, it was definitely not what he expected, thinking perhaps you made him something similar to your style, something happy and bubbly, something with bright colours, but oh boy was he wrong. 

It was a black leather jacket that hit a few inches below his hips, with dark green leather accents, strap detailing on the shoulders, cuffs, lapel, and all along on the top and bottom of the back. It also had lace-up sections along both the forearms and upper arms, along with the sides and center back of the jacket with gold eyelets, buckles, buttons, studs and zipper, tying the whole thing together. The colour scheme was very much Loki, but the style was a little more punkish than he was used to, the jacket was definitely saying, "I hunt vampires for a living" but he truly loved it and couldn't wait to wear it out. It wasn't something Loki would pick out for himself, but it was certainly "him" and something he'd wear all the time, smugly showing it off to everyone, but mostly his brother, proving that his mortal was the best.  

"Gracie!" you suddenly heard the front door open with someone calling out to you in a sing-song voice, "oh fuck", you whisper, recognizing who it was, your mother. "Why the hell is she here?" you thought before whisper-yelling at Loki to take all his presents and his stocking upstairs, as your mom could not find him here, telling him you would explain everything later. Loki did as you asked, teleporting any trace of his presence upstairs to your floor, but considering he had never met your mother before he came back downstairs, remaining invisible so he wouldn't get caught. 

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