Though the seasons may change

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She’d never noticed before, but in the afternoon sunlight Tommy’s dark, dark hair had a bit of red in it. It was late in the springtime and they were sitting out in the garden, on a blanket. Charlie was sleeping between them. Thomas was home for the weekend.

“I saw Michael today.” His voice was deep and warm. It sounded like he was close to falling asleep. The news of Michael was one she was not expecting to hear.“He wants back in.”

“Back in what?” She asked. “Back in the business?” That surprised her.

“You sound so shocked.” He said, opening his eyes to look at her. Annie felt pinned to the spot she was sitting in.

“And you’re not?”

“No.” Was his response. “Michael Gray has more Shelby in him than he would like to admit. More Shelby in him than his mother would probably like, too.” Tommy sat up. “He asked to kill Hughes.” The statement was said in such a way that Annie knew not to question him about it. If she kept digging, chances are she would not like what she found.

“What did you tell him?” This she was curious in.

“I told him that he could come back if he wanted.” Tommy braced his forearms on his knees. “I owe him that much.” Michael saved Charlie from the hands of Father Hughes.

“Has he said anything about the others?” She was approaching dangerous territory. Only once before did Annie try to bring up his family. He shut it down faster than the fastest racehorse in the country. Maybe with enough time and with Michael coming back into the picture he would be more welcoming to the idea of opening up, was Annie’s thought.

“No and I haven’t asked.”

“But, Tommy! They’re your family.” The words she’d been holding in for months were about to come tumbling out of her mouth. “You can’t let this chasam grow. It’s not fair to anyone to let this keep on going.”

“Not everyone has a family like yours, Annie.” A scowl took over his chiseled face. “Not everyone has a family who would stop everything at the drop of the hat to help a sick nephew or write letters back and forth with updates about the children.” This was true.

“You’re right.” Annie began. “But, not everyone has family that would cause an explosion that took innocent people's lives to save their nephew and by doing that, saving their brother.” A pained look replaced his scowl. “You might not have a royally perfect family Tommy, but you have a family that has survived war and that has to mean something. You should reach out to them.” He scoffed, which in turn brought a scowl to Annie’s face this time.

“They could be the ones to restore things.”

“If one of your brothers or cousins crossed you and put you in prison, set to hang, would you let them back in?” She was becoming frustrated with his stubbornness.

“Michael came back.”

“Because Michael is young and impressionable and wants so badly to be like you!” The woman huffed, standing up. “You may only speak to me when you stop acting like a child, Thomas Shelby.” Unable to continue the conversation, Annie turned and walked back towards the house.

“Annie!” Tommy called after her, but she ignored him.

Months ago she would not have been able to walk away from the leader of the Peaky Blinders. Anything he ordered she would have done, but she was learning. Learning from him. Learning what it looked like to stand up and fight for a cause you believed in. Her cause might not have been saving a child or getting money or serving justice, but she was learning.


The sun had just set when Tommy decided to go look for Annie. The young woman skipped dinner and missed bath and bedtime with Charlie. He understood Annie choosing not to be around him, but she never missed time with his son. He thought that it was in part due to the trauma of Charlie being taken right out from under their noses.

First he checked her room, but after knocking a few times and finally letting himself into the space he found that she was not there. He checked the kitchen after that, thinking that perhaps she snuck down to grab a bite to eat. Like her room, she was not there either. The final placed he searched for her was in the sitting room. There he found her lying on one of the couches, asleep. There was a book placed page down on the end table near her head.

Tommy stood for a moment, staring at her. It took a few seconds for it to set in, but her brows were drawn together and her eyes screwed shut. As he walked closer to investigate he heard a small whimper. The whimper turned into a small cry as he leaned down beside her.

“No…” Annie mumbled. “Please!” Her pleading filled him with pity. She must have been having a nightmare. The nanny had not mentioned much about her past, but if she had a history with the Italians he had an idea of what she might have endured. A small droplet fell down her cheek as he called out to her.

“Annie.” He tried. She did not wake. “Annie, wake up.” Tommy’s second attempt did not work. “Annie!” The woman began to cry more. “Ann!” He placed a hand on her shoulder and began to shake her. Her eyes flew open and a gasp escaped her lips. She stared at the ceiling above her for a few moments, her chest rising up and down. Saying nothing, he sat on the ground completely and waited. After a few moments Annie finally caught her breath and sat up. Tommy could tell by the look in her eyes that she was now back with him in Arrow House instead of that horrible place her mind was holding her.

“What time is it?” Taking out his pocket watch he looked at it and went back to watching her in concern.

“Close to ten.”

“Oh no…” The brunette ran a hand over her face, letting out a deep sigh. “I slept the whole evening away.” Her voice was flat.

“Are you alright?” Concern laced his words.

“I’m famished.” For the second time that day she stood up and left him to his thoughts. With a sigh that rivaled Annie’s he took a cigarette out from the case in his pocket and placed it between lips. His thoughts were consumed with the actions of his son’s nanny.

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