This was a marvelous sight to see, pods of whales are quite rare cause they normally stay below the water unless they are coming up for some air.

By the looks of things, the pod came up to catch some air before heading back down. The elderly man quickly rushed to grab his camera, he wanted to remember this moment.

Elderly man: "I must take a picture of this, this is such a rare sight to see"

He grabbed his camera and quickly rushed back, he started to take pictures of the pod as he saw there was a mother, a father, and a baby whale. It was a beautiful sight, enough to warm the elderly man's, weak heart.

However, he soon notices something off in the distance something the confused him. The water was turning red, and it wasn't from blood cause it looked like the water was changing from blue to red.

Elderly man: "what is going on? why is the water changing colo-"

Suddenly, the elderly man was cut off by the sound of a whale pod. It sounded like something was making them uneasy, which confused the elderly man cause whales are the biggest creatures to live on earth what could make them uneasy?

 It sounded like something was making them uneasy, which confused the elderly man cause whales are the biggest creatures to live on earth what could make them uneasy?

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The elderly man soon got his answer as something rose from the water in blinding speed, but it gave the elderly man enough time to see what it was.

It was huge, double if not triple the size of an adult whale. It was some sort of creature that looked like it was from a fantasy book or a video game. It was red in color with a lighter underbelly, its eye was the most terrifying thing about the looked soulless.

In the jaws of the creature was the baby whale, or rather what was left of it cause the creature's massive jaws bit the poor thing in half. The sight made the elderly man sick to the stomach, he knew that creatures had to survive but this didn't look like survival...No, it looked like sport.

Elderly man: "W-what the hell was that thing!? I-i've never seen anything like it!?"

The elderly man's eyes widen as he soon thought of something, could that be the creature his grandfather talked about? The creature that only appears when the sea turns red?

If that was the case, then the elderly man had to get back to land quickly before the creature decides to turn him into his next target.

Elderly Man: "I gotta get out of he-"

Elderly Man: "I gotta get out of he-"

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