(MARVEL) Wanda Maximoff

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TW: implications of death, mentions of starving yourself

this is set in civil war. i got this idea when i was watching civil war again and thought it'd be nice to write for y'all. mid-way through, i changed up my story with the movie timeline so don't be confused when there's a massive time skip. the events from that scene will happen, just at a later time for this story.

a/n: hey everyone! i thought i'd do something special and make this one-shot longer than i normally have my one-shots. i hope everyone is doing well during this chilly season. unless you live in the southern hemisphere, then enjoy your summer. i hope you enjoy this and please please take care of yourselves. wear a mask when you're going out and avoid going to public places as much as you can. stay safe <3


The guards had you stripped down and walked down to your cell, their hands under your armpits. With a harsh shove, you begrudgingly walked into the cell and sat on the bed. But after a couple of minutes of not finding any comfort, you sat on the floor, up against the wall.

You let out a heavy sigh as you leaned your head back, thinking about the past couple of hours when everything went to shit.

Against everyone's wishes, you had turned yourself in before signing the Sokovia Accords. Your ledger was ten times worse than Natasha's. 

You had meticulously thought about it before. What you would do when the time came when you had to make this tough decision.

When Secretary Ross announced that the Sokovia Accords would be put into place, you calmly stood up, put your hands out, and said, "Cuff me. Take me to the Raft," stunning everyone including Ross.

You stayed quiet the whole time you were in that conference room. Even when Ross pulled out a pair of handcuffs that looked like hardware nuts. You decided to seal your lips and save your quippy remark to yourself.

You stayed silent when the rest of the team pleaded for you to rethink your actions but you simply shook your head, looked at Wanda, and gave her a small smile.

But Wanda was livid. She was being held back by Clint and Steve, who were both grounding their feet into the ground. Red energy glowed from her hands as she tried to move their arms off of her while she bashed and clawed, begging to be let go. She didn't catch your little smile nor did she hear the door shut.

You left the compound with only one thought in your head,

'Forgive me, Wanda.'


You overheard the guards talking about how the Avengers split up, a few signing the Accords, the rest ordered to be captured on sight. If they failed to do so, their orders were to kill on sight. You sighed, knowing that something like this would eventually happen.

You slumped back against the wall, now waiting to see what the outcome of this would be.


It wasn't even a week after you were put into confinement before you heard the doors open again. Now awake, you tried to make out a voice that sounded extremely familiar. Your eyes slowly peeled open when they spoke out again, though this time they were speaking to the guards.

"Put them all together. They can look at each of their friends but you better shut them up if you hear them talk," the voice muttered. One you remembered to be Secretary Ross's.

You heard Ross again but when you look up, your stomach dropped with dread.

'No, no, wait...they're going to be locked up with me?'

multi-fandom imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon