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HEADCANNON(S): Eleven and Max are dating. Max is bi. Eleven is neptunic. Will is gay. Dustin is pan. Mike and Lucas are straight.

if you're straight, just replace the (your sexuality) flag with a progress flag or just a pride flag.

Modern AU


It was almost the end of the school day and you were practically bouncing up and down in your seat. Hawkins was hosting their yearly pride parade after school. The march was going to start from the Palace Arcade and end at City Hall.

You, along with many of your friends, were excited to attend the parade this year. It would be your first year going altogether.

The dismissal bell rang and you were one of the first who sprinted out of the classroom. You and the group had planned to meet at the bike racks right after school. You ran towards the bike racks and saw Max and El already there.

"Hey, you two!" You exclaimed, hugging Max and Eleven in the process.

"Hello hello (N/N)," Max said, hugging you back.

"Hi (N/N)! You look excited," Eleven remarked, her hand entangling with Max's after you let go.

"I really am," you said, bouncing on the balls of your feet. "I wish the boys could get here already. I really want to get there early," you muttered, clutching onto your backpack straps.

"Geez, you don't have any patience do you Y/N?" Lucas said, making you snap your head at him.

"No, no I really don't Lulu~," you teased. Lulu was a nickname you had for Lucas. When you were three, you couldn't say Lucas' name correctly so you gave him a nickname. It stuck around for a long time, but now you only use it to annoy him.

You had grown up with the boys ever since you guys were in third grade. Eleven and Max became your friends as soon as you started middle school.

Lucas's face scrunched up. "You still haven't let that go yet ladybug?" He remarked with a smirk on his face. Your eyebrows furrowed.

Ladybug was a nickname that Lucas had for you. He only got the idea from years ago. He scared you from behind, causing a ladybug to fly around your face, which made you scream in the process.

You playfully stuck your tongue out at Lucas. "Is everyone here then?" You asked, looking around.

"No, not yet. Dustin needed to ask Mr. Clarke about something," Will said, unlocking his bike.

You saw Dustin running as fast as he could towards you guys. "Sorry, sorry! I got held up with something. Let's go."

You guys arrived at the arcade in record time. 

'As long as we aren't at the end, we'll be fine,' you thought, walking towards the front of the arcade. You checked the time on your phone.

'Shit. We have to start walking.'

"Does everyone have their flags?" You asked, looking at your friends. They dug through their backpacks, each bringing out a flag one by one.

Max had her bisexual flag, Eleven had their neptunic flag, and Dustin had a pansexual flag and a progress flag. You brought out a (your sexuality) flag. Lucas and Mike each carried a progress flag.

"Let's go then?" Mike asked. He was already getting ready to join in with the people who already started walking ahead. Everyone nodded their heads and you all merged into the crowds. Music was blaring from some speakers that some carried around and some carried signs.

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