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George nervously gulped. "It's about going out." George's eyebrows lifted sky high. Is this really going to happen?

"I want to do that with you, but there would have to be a lot of safety preparations. I don't want you running off." Dream leaned back in his chair and watched the ceiling.

"Would any of you even want that?" Dream looked down at them and both had excitement full smiles, truly warmed his heart. "Yes." George didn't let him know that he's as excited as he is. Going out with Dream, can imagine how cool it'd be.

"Alright, but not now, I want to eat in peace." Dream straightened out and started eating. Sapnap and George glimpsed at each other, grinning like idiots.

Wonder if Sapnap has been out with Dream before. Well, most likely, wouldn't look as good as he does if he wouldn't have been outside for 9 months.

They ate and both of the hostages looked at Dream seeing if now he wanted to talk plan of going out. He didn't even look at them, just straight to the couch.

Looks like it's going to take a while until they're actually out. George smiled to himself from imagining him and Sap at leashes by Dream. Ridiculous.

And as they thought, that day there was no more talking of the theme. He just intrigued them and left them hanging. And soon was the next day, George felt too nervous to try and remind Dream of the whole thing, and so he didn't get to it.

But thankfully later that day Dream brought it up himself. "So, I've thought everything out, and we'll be in town by next week for sure." He looked very excited as well, but probably not in a mile radius of Georges excitement.

"Um," he sighed, "I'm gonna start by just taking you out around the block to see how it's like in general, then Orlando. Shit, I'll have to think of something to do there too." He watched both of them, switching from having eyes on one and then the other.

He felt a small spot of loathe raise towards Dream and the situation. He's a dog. That's all he was thinking of. The only sentence replaying in his mind. He's being treated like a dog.

He furrowed his eyebrows and just stuffed the food down his guts.

The next day, Dream gathered them for breakfast and told them of the walk they're going to have a bit later. Sapnap and George will be two, wouldn't they be able to escape? Or at least one of them. Maybe Dream isn't that smart after all?

They all gathered at the front door, watching each other and feeling pure excitement in their stomachs. George had some months at home where he didn't leave the house for even longer than he's been in Florida, but still he felt like the depravetion of real sunlight was killing him.

Dream opened the door. Holy shit, this is really happening.

"Remember, you try to escape I will be able to catch at least one of you for sure, and you can't even imagine what happens to them. A slow and torturous death, probably wouldn't want that for each other." George looked at Dream as a sick monster, and just as quickly changed it back to a friendly grin as Dream peered at him.

Sapnap didn't seem to have a reaction to a death threat though. They walked outside and the Sun burned on his skin like fire. "Ow." George in reflex groaned and Dream turned to him.

"Vampire stuff." He simply said and continued walking, right between the other two, keeping them in sight.

"Isn't this cool? The dream team having a walk." George rolled his eyes and couldn't stop looking around. He did still feel like a dog, but this is kind of worth it, this much natural light hasn't been seen for weeks.

"Halloween in a week." Dream muttered and George looked at him, quite shocked. "Yes, you've been here for almost a month now, don't look so surprised." Dream said with his arms flying trough air with him, the walk was quite slow, and for the hyperactive Clay, it was too little stimulation.

He started putting step in his pace, seriously alarming and taking off guard the other two. They started catching up, pressured into being by Dreams sides at all times.

"So, tomorrow to Orlando?" Dream said it like nothing. They're already in Orlando, only in a divided space, so maybe this all will be a prank and he'll just take them to the neighborhood where all the other houses are around here.

They walked a few more minutes, and turned back. It was a very loose place, there was a lot of space between the houses, a lot. Felt like the middle of nowhere even though there's houses all around.

They were back at his front door, Dream stood back and let them walk in first. He shut it quickly and locked it, turning back to them and looking manical.

"That was fun." He grinned. The hype in him was just too much from a little walk, but couldn't say George wasn't feeling the same. He was outside. Outside. In the Sun and air.

Sapnap looked way too normal for this to be the first walk in nine months, so it has to be something that has happened before. "I can't decide whether I should take you two at the same time to city." Dream heavily laid down on the couch.

"Of course both of us." George quickly blurted out, it just wouldn't be cool to be alone like that. "I'll think about it." And he left George on a question mark. It would be so awkward to be with just Dream.

I just wish everything was normal.

The next day came, but no city.
Then the day after that, still no city.
Then the day after that, city was scheduled.

"Tomorrow then." Dream said watching George, trying to break him. "Okay." But that wasn't all George had to answer to this.

It's a big deal. He would be nervous even if they would've been having amazing time inside the house as well. But now it's even more different and difficult.

A month inside a house without leaving is a lot. Too much. "Tomorrow." George said drifting off in the thoughts. Dream watched him and let out a breath in a laughing kind of way.

George was in the room physically, but definitely not mentally.

Forced love // dreamnotfoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang