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"What? I'm not doing that, Sapnap, choose something else." George's heart was beating. He did not want to do anything like that, especially in front of Dream.

"Nope, it's a dare, I've always wanted to get a lap dance." Sapnap sat down on the couch, facing the TV side again. He's waiting for George.

George quickly looked over to Dream. He did not look happy, his eyebrows were high, lips not in a smile anymore, Sapnap's an idiot.

"I'm not doing that Sapnap." George was waiting for Sapnap to say that it's a joke and give more of an appropriate dare, cause this is just ridiculous.

"Georgie, I'm waiting." His head fell backwards on the back of the couch and he watched George's scared face. "Dream, tell him how dares work, you can't say no, there's no choice."

George couldn't tell if this is a joke. If it isn't, then the end is near for sure. "I'm not joking, Gogsy, get over here." He said it quite firmly, almost like he wouldn't be joking.

Finally, he stood up. He slowly and nervously started walking over to Sapnap, with a slight pain around his eyes forming.

He was face to face with someone who George did not want to have as a new enemy. "George, are you crying?" He sat up and leaned closer to George.

"Do I have to do it?" Georges words hardly made any sound, he was actually about to cry. A twenty-four year old man.

"No, Jesus, George, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean like a real lap dance, just one move or something." Sapnap stood up and embraced George who was still battling the tears, but now ones caused of gladness.

George shakily sighed and put his forehead on Sapnaps shoulder.

Now Dream was third wheeling.

"Alright, I think that's enough for today, I'm going to my room." Dream said and both turned at once in remembrance of another person there with them.

Well, he's pissed.

"You're an idiot." George said holding his hot forehead and sighing deeply. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean like a whole grinding against me thing or anything, more like just to see how you move your hips or something." George looked over at him, annoyed out of his life.

"If we're gonna be beat up because we made him third wheel." George started and decided not to finish. "Don't worry, we won't get beat up." It's so good to have someone with you in all of this mess. Alone, George would've died already.

"What do we do now, we're not even allowed to talk." Sapnap said sitting down on the couch finally. "Have you got your phone? How were you always online?" Something George wanted to ask him for weeks now.

"I had a lot of supervised phone time before you got here." And now he felt bad. Sapnap lost phone time because of him, and he knows how much Sapnap likes his phone.

"But I'm managing." He tried saving George's wellness, but it didn't really change anything. "How was it when you first got here?"

"He was little bit less sick for the first month or two, he just didn't let me leave the house at all and one day he broke and started yelling and punching me all the time." Sapnap sighed. He talked about it so easily, but it sounds like torture.

Well, it is.

"Then I realized that he's not... Good." Their eyes met and watched each other. Both jumped up when Dream started stomping down the stairs. Very alarming as always.

"What are you doing here? You're talking." He calmly, trying to suppress his annoyance, said coming down the stairs. "Um, just about streams." Sapnap quickly covered up for them, talking so much better than George could to Dream.

"Fuck, I so don't want to do that." Dream went to the kitchen. George and Sapnap exchanged looks.

Then just silence.

The time went by slowly that day, just like on usual. It was rare for it to actually get a move on. Just slowly seconds counting by, strolled past them trying to drag time on and on.

That day, there were no more activities like TV watching or truth or dare that Dream probably despised now. Jealousy is definitely a trait of Dreams, proved multiple times already.

How does a person even get this way, did he get too little love from his parents at youth? Couldn't be it, they still do talk after all. Maybe just something in the brain.

If he'd have his phone, in no supervision, he'd google it. Psychology is very interesting in his view.

George changed the sides he was laying on. After spending out all the happiness, there was only the depressed feeling of loneliness and loss of faith left. All he wanted was to just die. Peacefully and quickly stop living and thinking.

There's still so many years of torture left, and he's not even a month in. Or is he? Who even knows at this point.

"George! Sapnap! Get down here!" His heart stopped. His blood froze on spot. His brain not though, sadly. What could've he possibly done. Maybe he listened back some audios of listening devices. Nah, if he's thinking about it can't be the case, but it can.

His legs fell on the cold boarded floor. He's about to go face to face with the devil. What happened, there was so much confidence this morning.

A small part of it came back just from remembering how it felt this morning. The rush of it all felt good, so why can't it now. Brain has been shut down.

George's hand embraced around the door handle and he got out of his room, even before Sapnap. Right as he reached the stairs, Sapnap's door bolted open as well. He looked calm.

Mm the smell is amazing, and it's evening. Two puzzle pieces finally connected. Dream's voice always sounds harsh, they were just casually called for dinner. How could he forget.

All sat down and the feast was about to begin. "I'd like to say something." Dream.

Forced love // dreamnotfoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon