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𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲.
Wake up y/n, because there's no way in hell I'm going back to sleep.

You sat on the bed.
You weren't going back to sleep.
You weren't going to just sit and do nothing.

Your in a mansion that cost a few million bucks and I haven't even seen half of it.

"Yeah that's a good idea." You said.

You open the door slowly and walk out of your room, and walk towards a dimly lit hallway. There was a creak of light coming from the hallway. You're room was on the first floor.

You stop walking.

"Is that really a good idea? You ponder.


You turn around and walk the opposite way. "He said the kitchen was upstairs, right?" Walking down the hallway you take a right and walk into a split pass. One path leads into an open space, the other leads to some stairs.

Those probably went up to the kitchen, so you took that way instead, but made a mental note to go back down and check out the other way too.

Upon walking up the stair you noticed the kitchen was surrounded by hard wood floors.

To your right, there was a square, glass table and wooden chairs. Underneath the table was a gray rug. There was a window behind the table that showed the view of other houses.

The looked compacted and small. You forgot this house was on top of a hill. The kitchen was on the left.

But there was something else that caught your eye.

Is that a grand piano? It was just sitting there, waiting to be played on. There was a light shining on it.

But you didn't want to wake up Levi.

"What're you starting at, it's a piano." A voice said.

You jumped a little when hearing that. You looked to the side of you. Levi was leaning on a counter inside the kitchen. On top of the counter was a coffee machine. A dim light shone over the counter he was leaning on.

"You're still awake?" He took a sip of his, drink.
Levi was wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep that's all."You say.
Yeah and I won't be going back either.

He just looked at you. In turn you meet his stare, but his cold eyes intimidate you.

"I have a question." Levi paused. "For you." He said.

You waited for him to continue, but you felt that something was off.

"Why did you agree, to this anyway?" He asked.

His question caught you of gaurd. You didn't expect him to care. On top of tha, this was the second time he paused weirdly, in the middle of a sentence.

"You've seen how my father is, I didn't really have a choice." You say. " Whatever he says goes."

"But what about you? Why didn't you just disagree?" You ask him.

It was silent for a moment.

Then it hits you, "Oh wait, there's something in it for you." You ask. "What is it?"

"It's none of your-" Levi hiccups. "Business." He scowled. Levi put his glass down.

Is he...

Levi tried to walk normally but ended up bumping into a chair.

Yeah, he's buzzed.

You walk over to him and get ahold of his hand, but he pulls away.

"Don't touch me brat." He hissed. He hiccups again.

You roll your eyes. " "Fine, but you should really go to bed, you can barely walk."

You couldn't fathom why anyone would drink.

Bad things happen when people are drunk.

"Where is your room?"You sigh.

"I don't need." Hiccup. "Your help." Levi yawns.

"I see alcohol makes you tired."

I look behind me and see a couch next to the piano. There was also a table and tv I front of the couch.

Had those always been there? I guess I wasn't paying attention.

You took Levi's hand again, this time he didn't pull away. "Your hand is warm." He declares. He puts his other hand around yours and leans against it. You can feel the earth of his body. You take him to the couch, gently pushing him onto the couch.

Damn, talk about a mood switch.

You left to see if you could find a blanket.

He yawns and laid down on the couch. He moves to his side, slightly bends his legs and put his hands under his face.

You came back from your room with a blanket. You saw Levi cuddled up to retain warmth as he slept. You put the blanket over him and he shifts a bit before settling into his position.

You turn around to leave, but Levi grabs your arm almost pulling you on top of him.

You turned to him. "Don't go." He said.


"Stay with me." He pleads.

What did he say?

You free yourself of his grasp, and look at him.

He's asleep.

Wc 826

Arranged [Levi x fem! Reader] Modern a.uWhere stories live. Discover now