Chapter 3

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"What the hell." Scarlet exclaimed
"Are you alright?" said a tall man with raven black hair.
"Just fine. Thank you." Scarlet looked up to him. She looked up to his face and stared at his eyes. Something was, off about him. He looked down at her ring. He seemed to be eyeing it. "Sebastian!" Someone called. He quickly moved his head to where the name was being called. "I'm sorry, I must take my leave." She nodded and watched him leave.
"Clara." She said in a determined tone.
"Yes my highness?" Clara looked over to Scarlet.
"Follow him. He seems, interesting. That's an order." She look the way Sebastian had run off too.
"Yes my highness." With that she followed the path that he had taken. She was now there, alone. She began to wonder around. She knew that if anything would to happen to her, she wouldn't be able to handle it. She started to head to the one place she knew she could go for answers. She walked to the Undertakers coffin place. Once she got there the Undertaker looked up to the door with a surprised look.
"Scarlet?" He asked.
"Who else would I be?" She asked in questioning voice.
"Its just, you never come out of your mansion." She sighed. It had been a while. What was it, three years? Yeah that seemed right.
"Yeah I don't like it much out here. I came for answers and that's all."
"I understand, but you know the rules." She sighed once again and told her joke that made the Undertaker burst in to tears. He soon got back up. "What's the information you're looking for?"
"Information regarding a certain Stone." She showed him the picture of it. He seemed to stop breathing after she showed him.
"What would the queen want with that?" He asked in a worried voice.
"That has nothing to do with you or me. I can her for information regarding where it is, not the other way around."
He looked down at the floor boards. "Scarlet that's the death crystal. No ones seen it for centuries. I'm assuming someone has bought it."
"God dammit. So I have to throw a ball?"
"If you're determined, then yes."
"Fuck my life." She whispered. Just then a boy walked in with blueish hair walked in. He seemed to be talking to the strange man she had meet earlier, what was his name again? Sebastian? Possibly.
"It will only take a couple of minutes." The small boy said. Small? He was taller than Scarlet but smaller then the man with black hair. He seemed to be her age.
"Yes my lord." That phrase made her stop. Lord. Highness. He must be nobility like her.
"That will be all. Thank you." She quickly turned away trying to get out as fast as possible. She hated other nobility. They were so rude.
"Goodbye Scarlet. Visit me again soon. I missed seeing you." She stopped at the door turned back to smile, but the boys eye patch caught her eye. It matches hers. He must have noticed because he seemed to stare at her the way she stare at him. She turned and bolted down the street to find Clara.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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