Chapter 1 Rage

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Freddy jumped when he heard a series of loud crashes. It sounded like it was coming from Monty's room. Concerned the animatronic was about to go check on his friend. "Oh, no I don't think so. Go to your room Freddy." Vanessa said she was now standing in front of him. Strange he hadn't even heard her coming.

"I just want to see what is wrong with Monty." Freddy said he was worried about the other animatronic. Vanessa's glare softened in understanding before it quickly returned. "He's been doing that for the past week almost. No one knows why. When I try to talk to him all I get is growls. Monty threw his guitar at me this morning shattered into pieces. Matience tried to work on him to no luck. That irritated creature won't let them within six feet of him." Vanessa said she looked thoughtful now wondering what had caused the sudden change in the animatronic.

Monty was usually chill up until recently. Freddy had realized all his friends had been acting a little weird recently. But none as bad as Monty. "Now seriously go to your room or else I'll drag you there myself." Vanessa order Freddy was sure she'd go threw with the threat. "Okay I will. Do me a favor and keep a eye on Monty will ya?" Freddy asked he wanted to make sure he was okay.

"I will now go on." Vanessa said clearly impatient. Freddy left with one last worried glance at Monty's door. Vanessa had confirmed his fears and made them worse. At least he knew sir if what was going on with his friend even if it was worse than he initially thought. Freddy walked back into his room the door shut automatically behind him.

The bear sighed it was going to be a long night especially since he could still hear crashing and loud growling. Freddy put himself into his charging station he closed his eyes prepared to go into sleep mode. Freddy let himself drift off forgetting about Monty momentarily.

Monty panted out of breath from his recent rampage. He was shaking from anger his claws flexed he wanted to destroy something. A staff bot came into his room to clean up. It worked diligently for a few minutes cleaning up the mess he'd made earlier that day. Monty was getting tired of hearing it's wheels move across the floor. He felt like it was going to drive him crazy.

The animatronic glared at it as it passed he grabbed it. Monty dug his claws into the bot making it's outer coating of plastic break beneath his claws. He threw it next it hit the floor with a loud crash. The staff bot let out it's automated lines one more time before it was stopped by Monty stepping on it's head crushing it beyond repair.

Monty perked up he thought he heard two people conversing outside his room. He couldn't make out what they were saying but he could faintly recognize the voices of Freddy and Vanessa. Monty grunted in annoyance at being disturbed even if it wasn't directly in his room. Everything made him angry recently he just wanted to destroy everything. Everyone who caused these emotions.

Even if they didn't say anything to him. He assumed Freddy had been told to go back to his room as usual. Monty heard Vanessa's footsteps disappear down the hallway. The animatronic grinned to himself it was time to escape and have some real fun.

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