Jack stifled back an outright laugh as his trained stare broke away from me to look Jeff in his panicked eyes, his clawed hand coming up to cover his grin.

"Jack, you wouldn't actually let her stomp my fucking balls, would you dude? Come on, man,"

Jack shrugged, letting out a small chuckle rather than a mocking laugh. 

"It would be rather entertaining to watch, especially after you've broken into my home and attempted to strangle me,"

Despite everything Jack had put me through, my eyes haphazardly scanned over his body as he rose a single finger and held it under his chin; a mock-thinking stance. A sick grin plastered his face, showing off his razor sharp teeth. A reminder of his true nature hidden behind supple lips. It was unfair how unfazed he was about his overwhelmingly intimidating appearance; he could send a shiver down anybody's spine without uttering a single word to them. The air around him was lively with a sickly darkness and made all my hair stand on end, but even deeper than that, there was this nagging, underlying feeling that there was more humanity in him than he let on. That his outward persona was something learned, not something genuine. Reflexively, I reached up to my cheek, tracing the ever-present, deep scratches that he had left when he had slapped me before. They would surely heal into scars; a permanent reminder of how deadly it would be if I was wrong.

I lowered my hand quickly, dropping it to my side and turned my stare back to Jeff.

"You want information? Fucking fine, just don't let this fucking broad curb-stomp my jewels,"

Jack dropped his ever-mocking pose, turning his full attention back to Jeff.

"I'm listening,"

Jeff sighed, wriggling his shoulders, struggling against the thick tape that bound him uncomfortably at the wrist.

"Toby wanted to get some sort of revenge or whatever, I didn't pay attention to the details. He asked me if I was fixin' to get in trouble, and of course, I always am,"

His deeply etched grin seemed to stretch a little wider as he spoke. Toby? How many people were involved in Jack's schemes? Though the name had been mentioned by Jack when Jeff had first entered the cabin, I wasn't paying nearly enough attention to direct any acknowledgement to the name. I couldn't help but wonder if Jeff or Toby had been involved in the death of Henry. Jack mentioned knowing who did it, but I didn't really pin him to be the social butterfly type. Would he tell me who was responsible eventually? It didn't seem like something he would hold of importance, especially seeing how he hadn't even told me what he wanted the laptop for. Did he think it slipped my sight when he snatched the laptop from Neil's hand back at my house? He wanted it for something, and I had an idea of what the motive was. Only so many things you can do with a business laptop, I'm sure Spotify wasn't something he was willing to kidnap over.

"I had figured about as much,"

Jack moved swiftly, and in an instant the tape binding Jeff was cut clean in half, freeing him. He rubbed his wrists, no doubt sore from how thick the tape had been laid on him.

Good, hope it hurts.

I barely had a moment to finish my thought before an unknown hand was wrapped tightly around my throat, restricting airflow.

"Now you get your foreplay, doll,"

The venom and murderous undertone lacing his raspy voice didn't matter to me in the slightest as I struggled against his hand, fighting to get a breath in.

Two things happened; first, the feeling of the hand choking me was gone just as fast as it had been on me. I took advantage of the momentary access to air and gasped in a deep, shaky breath, my hand reflexively coming up to slightly hold my throat. Second, a loud, splintering sound and a thud that vibrated the very foundation of the cabin.

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