Chapter Thirty-Five, Catch Up

Start from the beginning

Later as my mind stirred from rest, I could smell something delicious. I think it was Patryk's breakfast, and it smelled absolutely amazing. I attempted to reach in the direction of the smell, but was gently guided back to laying my hand on the bed. Pat seemed to laugh and rubbed my hand. I knew I couldn't eat because my mouth wasn't really working, but it was an attempt. He bent down near my ear, the one without issues due to the explosion long ago. "I'll let you try some of the peaches I got, but don't try to swallow it. Your body isn't ready for that." He told me and propped up my body. He gently opened my mouth, and I tasted the familiar flavor of my favorite fruit. A juicy piece of peach rested on my tongue, and it tasted amazing. It sat there for many moments until he took it out, probably throwing it away. "Can you taste that?" He asked curiously and I attempted to reply normally, but my mouth was still not working.

"I bet you're so thirsty after all this, hm? I'll ask the doctor later if you can have a glass of water." He told me and continued to keep me company. Later that day, a person I didn't know came in. I somewhat recognized his voice, but I hadn't heard it in a long time. I could recognize his hand as well, as it slowly traced down my scarred face. "So you're finally waking up? It took you long enough, Commie." The familiar voice hummed tiredly. It was Tom. Tom came in, and he's speaking to me. "I'll clue you in when you're better, alright?" He told me and I attempted to open my eyes. Now I was definitely curious as to what was going on. He left as quickly as he came, leaving the room with a pair of shoes I had never heard him with before.

After another week of fully recovering with my father helping me the whole way, I had adjusted to walking slowly and wearing my robotic arm again. Today, Pat told me that Thomas would tell me all about what's happened. I wanted to know why Pat couldn't tell me, but I didn't question him. Paul was here today as well, celebrating my recovery and giving me many warm hugs. They told me that I had been gone for almost two years, and I knew that a lot could happen in two years. Drastic things and even crazy things could happen. But here I was, not worrying about the world as I was held by my two fathers. The best parents I could ever ask for. "I missed you so much, my sweet little imp." Patryk cooed and kissed my forehead. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. "I wanted to tell you that I love you for so long..." I told him and breathed in his scent. It was my favorite scent in the world, aside from peaches.

I think that my parents looked older than before, with gray hairs setting in and worn skin being more evident. It pained me to see my parents grow old, but it also gave me a strange comfort. My parents were growing old together, and continuing to love me and support me throughout everything. "... Father, do you think that I'll ever have a mate like you have Paul?" I asked and stared at the man holding me comfortably in a chair. "Yeah.. I believe you will, Tord. Surely there's somebody out there who's perfect for you. And you'll grow old together, and maybe have a kid just like Paul and I. And we'll always be here for you, my handsome little devil." He reassured me and kissed my cheek. Patryk wasn't always a loving person, he's told me before. He used to be very quite and introverted, focusing completely on his job over everything. Paul changed his life, and made him feel happy enough to openly express his affections.

I hope that I also meet a mate who will open me up, just like Patryk opens me up a little. "Papa, how old are you going to be this year?" I asked curiously and sat on my medical bed. "Oh, I really can't remember." He said and pulled out his phone. "You're turning forty, love. In April." Paul reminded the forgetful man and gave him a gentle kiss. Pat smiled and leaned onto his lover's shoulder. "Right." He hummed and sighed contently. "My family is together once again. I can be content with the world." He said with a warm tone and closed his eyes, resting most of his weight on Paul. Paul wrapped an arm around him and securely held his significant other. I watched with a soft smile and laid down on my bed. I looked around the room before examining my robotic arm. It felt different than when I had worn it before, but I suppose that's only because I'm not used to the sensation. I flexed the robotic muscles in the arm and slowly moved it around, testing the waters. I wasn't used to moving in general, but this arm was a whole new level of strange.

I think I need to take it off, or maybe I just need to examine the connection point. I pulled up my sleeve and slowly slid my hand down my heavily scarred shoulder, running down to the connector. It looked like I was developing a strange rash, which explained the weird sensation on my arm. I was itchy, but had forgotten what exactly that felt like. "Pat look, I have a rash." I told him, catching his attention. He sat down next to me and examined the rash carefully. "Oh, you've got one all around it. How strange.. I'll take it off for now if you'd like." He offered and I sighed. I just got back my other arm, and now it's gotta go. "Yeah, better do that than keep this terrible rash going." I said and closed my eyes, gripping the edge of my hospital gown. "Just try to relax Tord, it'll be alright." Pat assured me and slowly pulled off my robotic arm first. He set it down and very carefully pulled off my connector, which hurt like fire.

Every time the connector was taken out, my injured shoulder hurt like it was getting scarred for the first time. It felt like my shoulder was going through the trauma of that explosion again. I felt Patryk give me a shot of painkillers and began to relax as the throbbing pain calmed. Pat wrapped up my arm in a soft, silky substance and kissed my cheek. "There, I'm done." He told me and I looked over at the wrapped shoulder. It was a nice cherry red silk covering that I assumed Patryk had gotten for me while I was in a sort of coma. I laid down and tiredly yawned. "Why can't I leave this room yet-?" I asked for the twentieth time today. Their answer didn't suffice, to me. "Well you can't go out into the base without being caught up first, and Tom is busy right now. He'll come in soon, I'm sure." He tried to assure me and snuggled up to Paul. "Besides, I think it's nice to spend so much time together." He said with a smile as Paul pulled the lighter man into his lap. Right, I guess it makes sense that Pat wants to spend time together with Paul. After-all, he rarely gets to spend more than an hour or two of time with his lover. His shifts are long and he's a hard worker, so he doesn't let Paul distract him. Now, he could be endlessly hugged, kissed, and other more private things in his own time by his partner.

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