"Wot about the press? Wot about all the shit that's been said about me?"

"I don't know exactly how it works Jack. But certainly once we've taken Dayman they'll be able to release a statement clearing your name, although they won't be able to name Dayman and exactly what details they do give, I assume will be very much restricted by this media blackout that's been agreed over Mia's kidnap." The detective replies to Jack.

Once the detective has left, Jack totally blanks me and walks into the lounge to find Mia.

"Right ya can all piss off now" he rudely tells Layla, Ben and Jasmin.

"Yeah come on Layla I just want to collapse at home" Ben tells her

Jack looks at me "you might wanna pack a bag, I assume Jasmin will let ya stay won't ya Jasmin?"

Jasmin just stares at him. Ben and Layla freeze and stare at him.

"Wh... what?"

"You heard, Chels this is my house an' I don' want you here" he stares at me with more hatred than I've ever seen on his face before
"we're finished Chels"

I don't know what to say.

"Maybe it will do you good Chelsea" Jasmin says "give each other a bit of space. You and Mia can stay with me until you two have a chance to talk things through"

"Nah, ya not understanding me, Mia is stayin' with me. We'll sort something out, ya can have her every other weekend or summat like I used to"

I feel like a knife is being twisted in my chest.

"You are joking?" I gasp

"Nah I'm fuckin' not. This is all your fault. All of it. It's your fault she got kidnapped - "

" - woah! Jack no!" Interupts Ben "do NOT say stuff you'll regret Jack, that was harsh!"

"Nah it ain't. Wot kind of idiot let's someone she barely knows get put on their kids fucking nursery security system?"

"That's not fair Jack! I had no one to pick her up a couple of times! He offered to help......" Oh fuck...

Jack nods, wide eyed "of course he fuckin' did and then ya didn't think to tell nursery when ya split up no?! Surely that's obvious Chelsea?"

Jasmin looks down.....layla looks away too
.I've been so stupid......of course it's my fault.

"Jack NO! That's enough bro!" Ben snaps.

"Ya not takin' her Chelsea, we are done, over, an' Mia will stay with me. Don't argue cos if I start gettin' me solicitor to sort it ya won't get to see her at all! Your shit Chels, you put her in danger......"

He's right. Of course he's right.
I always knew deep down that I couldn't be a good mum, I've had no role model so how could I do it right? I thought with Jack I was doing ok.....but I'd hate me too right now if I was him.



I'm desperate. Jack won't answer my calls. I'm a mess, I can't work.

At least I do know that Mia's happy, I've had photos of Mia at nursery, so I know Jacks taking her in. I debate just going and collecting her. But Jasmin warns me that won't help. I have to talk to Jack.

I would if I fucking could.

"Right, you are getting to get dressed today and meet me lunch in town"

I shake my head. "I'm not"

"Yes Chelsea! You are! You are wallowing! How can you sort this mess out if you're not even looking after yourself? Please babe, lunch?"

"Fine! Where"

"You know that new restaurant near my work? The old library place where it's made up of lots of little private rooms? I've already booked there for one, thought it would be nice to go somewhere with some privacy"

"You already fucking booked it?"

"Yes and paid a deposit so be there! I'll text you!" She dashes out of the door. Cheeky presumptive cow.


I arrive at the restaurant, it's very imposing. I'm early so I text Jasmin.

She replies instantly.

'I'm already inside, it's under my name, just say Jasmin they'll show you where I am. Love you! X'

Bit odd.

I go in and am shown to a small room, the whole place still looks a lot like a library, there's still books everywhere and you could easily lose a day here, around the sides of the main dining room/library, the individual sections have been properly partioned off, providing several intimate private dining rooms.

I walk in and the waitress closes the door behind me.

"What on earth" I splutter.

Jack abruptly stands up, he looks equally as confused as me.

"Sit down, and you!" Karen says to both of us.

"Where's Jasmin?"

"She's not coming love, she never was, we knew we wouldn't get you two together without a fight......."

Jack looks furious.

"Chelsea sit down, help yourself"

I sit, but I don't take any food, the table is full with sandwiches, cakes, pastries and salad.

Karen just observes us both for a moment.

I sneak a look at Jack. He's doing his best to avoid looking at me. But he looks a mess.
I want to cry, again. How can you feel such intense love for someone, but feel so distant from them too?

"So, Ben and Layla stopped back at ours on their way home Sunday" she looks at Jack "Ben was shocked and disgusted at the things you said to Chelsea, as am I Jack"

She looks at me.

"Chelsea, you misjudged Craig, we've all been there, it is not your fault he's involved in some shady things. This is NOT your fault"

She turns back to Jack

"Yes it's very sad and disapointing that Chelsea didn't believe you Jack, but you were the one that broke her trust in the first place, you're a fool if you don't realise that."

We are both looking at Karen, like two little kids accepting our telling off.

"Yes or no, do you two really want to call it quits, or do you love each other and want to work through your issues?"

"Mom ya've jus' made that not a yes or no question!"

I smile, then take a deep breath "no to the first bit, yes to the second bit" I tell her.
I look at Jack. He finally meets my eyes, and immediately his faces softens.


"Right can I be really really honest?" Karen asks.

Jack nods.


"Yeah" I agree.

Karen composes herself.
"I think you two need counseling. Separately and joint"


"Hear me out, you were offered counseling by that family liasion officer after what happened to Mia and I wish you had taken it, because neither of you have dealt with it. It's there still, just simmering away in you both and you are both suffering" she says calmly.

"And Chelsea, it dawned on me Sunday morning......you must have so much from your childhood that you carry around. Have you ever spoken to anyone...... professional?"

"No" I say, maybe a little defensively.

"I think it might not be a bad idea" she says softly.

I look down, hiding yet more tears.

A hand reaches across the table to me.

Relief floods my body when I realise it's jack's hand reaching out.

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