When the others take a closer look, Jericho recognizes what it looks like.

Jericho: that fluid... It looks exactly like Mercury's poison!

Lumi: Mercury?! Could it be that he was there, and did this to the security guards? Does that mean he was the one who let the ninjas come in?

Jericho: Well, he did prove himself to be not so trustworthy at all like he tried to kill me. He probably did this because he was so angry for being kicked out.

As Angsa tries to check on the security footage on the monitor where the screen locates on the entrance gate, it was cut off as the screen suddenly turned blank.

Only the white-haired boy claims that Mercury only brought a league of ninjas by opening the gate to allow them to enter while disabling the security cameras.

Lumi wonders if he would still be around since he's responsible for this mess. But Jericho wanted to focus on retrieving the thunderbolt back from the ninjas.

So he asks the General permission for a mission to retrieve the gem from the ninjas. Since he felt responsible for letting them get away with it.

Garu: hmmm... I'm not sure. This could be dangerous for such a human to handle this kind of situation. You know how strong Hakai is when you first faced him.

Lumi: In that case, I'll help you get it back. It's also my fault as well.

Angsa: We appreciate your help, but how would you find them as they're the master of stealth?

???: I think I know who.

They turn their attention to see someone who arrives in this room.

Lumi: Felisa?

Felisa: It took me a while to find you guys as I have something to tell you.

Jericho: Really? Do you have any solutions for finding the ninjas?

Felisa: Well... Not quite. But I figure that someone has known those League of Ninjas, & they're the key to finding them.

Garu: Alright, please tell us.

Felisa: During the attack, I noticed something on the grenades that the ninjas carried with them. There's a logo on it. Which I know where that came from. It is the club from Astropolis city.

Lumi: really?

Felisa: it may look like a place to throw a party, but they seem so suspicious. This might have some connection with the league of ninjas.

Jericho: then that means, they might know where the ninjas are. *looks at Garu* please general. Let us go to that place. They might lead us to find that gem since I couldn't stop them from taking it.

Garu: hmmm... Alright. I'll allow it.

Jericho: really? Do you mean it?

Garu: since you're all part of last year's class. We can allow any students who volunteer to participate in a mission without any assistants from the superiors, as they already left for search. You're all mature enough to handle this kind of situation. But since You're still a new student while you'll be studying for one year, you need someone to accompany you who are more experienced fighters than you are.

Lumi: you can count me in.

Felisa: then I'll just be their guide.

Garu: alright that settles for the 3 of you.

Angsa: while the rest of us will be repairing all the damages from the headquarters, including the rest of the others that they needed to be treated for their injuries.

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