18. End

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"Your majesty, we have received no answer from the princess."
Ezra frowns. "She will come. It's not like her to miss something like this."

Suddenly the doors to the throne room burst open, a soldier runs in panting like crazy.
"Your highness! It's the princess!"
Not long after the soldier's words a call from outside is heard.

"I am Baal, Princess of Asgard, and I am here to negotiate with your future king!"

Ezra jumps up from the throne and runs outside the palace to see his sister.
He's shocked by the glowing pride sitting on a white horse.
"Sister! You actually came!"
Baal drops down from the horse to greet her brother. "Hello, Ezra."
"It's been so long, sister! Too long!"
Baal is not an idiot, she can see right through Ezra's facade.

"Come, we have lots to discuss."

Baal follows after Ezra inside the palace and into the throne room. She looks around her old home.

Nothing has changed, everything is the same.

"Please, take a seat."

While Ezra sits down onto the thrown Baal struggles to sit down onto one of the many pillows because of her still growing bump.
"So, sister. How's the royal life treating you", Ezra asks as he takes a sip from his old wine. It has been standing there for hours.
"Why did you call me here." Ezra laughs and places down the glass.

"I heard a lot about you and father these past months."

Baal knew this conversation will come. "First off, congratulations to your pregnancy!"
"Don't patronize me, Ezra."
He lifts his hands as if he were an innocent prisoner.
"Second of all, Asgard is holding father prisoner."
"Because he attacked us."

Ezra lifts an eyebrow.
"Father would never attack Asgard without a reason."
"Well, he did and he killed hundreds of good men and loving women!"
Then Ezra bursts out laughing. "This is the best story I've heard in a while."
Baal's anger rises.
"Ezra, it's true. He was trialed and now he's in prison for life. He did that to himself, he deserves to be there."

Suddenly Ezra's mood shifts.
"No, he only attacked Asgard because of you, all those people died because of you", He yells.
"How dare you talk to me like that", Baal growls. "How dare you defend a man whose men raped our women!"
Ezra only laughs at Baal's screams.

"It was a mistake to come here, Baal."
"I know, I also know what you'll do to me."

He huffs. "Then you know what happens next. Guards!"
Two guards run over to grab Baal and pull her onto her feet. "Careful, boys. She's pregnant."
Ezra gets up from his throne as well.
"Now, take her away and prepare the noose."


Loki has been looking for Baal all morning but he can't find her anywhere.
As he searches the library the doors fling open. "Loki", Thor yells.
"Did you find her?"
"I haven't but Heimdall did." Loki's eyes widen. "She went to Salona, prepare an army. We're leaving now!"


"Beloved citizens of Salona! Today, in celebration of my coronation, I bring you a gift!"
The guards drags Baal onto the wooden platform, the mass boos and yells at her.
"I bring you your beloved princess!"
The masses cuss her out.

"This traitor left us behind to live a glamorous life in Asgard! She betrayed us, she left us behind!"


"Loki, I've gathered the men." Loki nods as he puts on his golden horn helmet.
"Perfect. We ride now."

Thor, Loki and their small army ride towards the Bifröst, with Odin's permission.
At the Bifröst they meet Heimdall.
"Best hurry. There's not much time."


The executioner puts the rope around Baal's neck while the crowd yells "traitor" over and over.
Ezra cheers them on as the rope is tightened around Baal's neck.

She has accepted her faith, there's no one who can help her now.


Heimdall activates the Bifröst and Loki is the first one to immediately ride inside followed by Thor and the other soldiers.

As Loki exits the Bifröst he's jumped by a crows of angry civilians.
He tries to push them back with his horse which fails to work until the other soldiers arrive.
Loki tries to look past the crowd but can't find Baal.
"Loki, there!"

Thor points at Ezra, right next to him is the platform where Baal will be hanged.
The executioner is about to pull the lever.
Loki tries to get through the crowd as fast as he can while he can hear Baal's screams.
She hasn't seen him yet but he's on his way. He will save her, he has to save her.

The hand lands on the lever.

Loki tries to pull through and jumps from his horse to climb onto the platform.
Before he can reach the lever it drops.

The rope pulls up and so does the body, she barely struggles before breathing her last breath.

Loki watches as the love of his life is killed right before his eyes.
Her lifeless body hangs as Loki desperately screams for her to come back.

The crowd fell silent the moment the lever was pulled.

Loki finally snaps.

"Did your king tell you that you just murdered a pregnant woman", He yells at the silent crowd.
They start to whisper to each other like children. "You have not only murdered the princess of Asgard but also the love of my life!"

Thor finally makes it to the podium.
"Loki", He says trying to catch his attention. Loki mumbles something under his breath.
"Burn it to the ground!"
"Loki, please."

"Burn it to the ground!"

Asgardian soldiers follow Loki's order immediately.
They watched Baal die as well, she was always nice to all of them.
Without hesitation they light up their torches and throw them at the castle, a red tsunami washes over it.

Loki turns to face Ezra who watches in horror as his home is burnt to the ground.
Loki reaches for his dagger and rams it into Ezra's stomach. No sound escapes the boy's lips as the blade pierces through his body.
Loki looks deeply into his eyes. "You deserve this", He whispers after seeing regret in Ezra's tear filled eyes.
Ezra's body falls to the ground as Loki pulls out his dagger.

Behind him a sunset out of flames.


The color of love and anger.
The color the ground is soaking in.

After Loki climbs onto his horse he takes a last look at the burning city.
"Rest well, my love", He says with a shaky voice before being called back by Heimdall.

Salona is now destroyed, its corruption cannot reach anyone anymore.
The end of Salona may not be a beautiful sight to see at hand but from far away it looked like a blooming flower.
A flower of hope and freedom.

Freedom, not only for Baal but also for her people.

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