15. Mercy?

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"Baal!" Loki jogs after his wife who storms away from him not ready to argue about her decision. "Baal!"
She does not stop, she keeps walking as if she's walking away from the past.
"I cannot rest when he's still alive", She says as Loki finally catches up to her. "Do you know what you've done? You're risking war!"

Baal stops in her tracks and looks up at Loki.
She feels cold and distant just like the time he met her.
"Baal, I know he has done unspeakable things to you but is this what you really want?" She lets out a sigh. "I don't care if Asgard burns my home to the ground. They never respected or loved me."
"I know you want revenge but this isn't the way to do it!"
Baal looses it.

"Do you know how many times I've stood next to his bed with a knife in my hand", She suddenly yells leaving Loki in complete shock.
"I've waited for this moment all my life, I was the patient one and now that I do this one thing I'm suddenly the villain?"

Loki is shocked, he's at a loss of words. He's never met this side of Baal until now.
"I've made my decision and I don't want you to be in the crossfire."
Baal caresses Loki's cheek, did he loose her for a second?
"I've got somewhere to be", She says before storming off once again leaving Loki behind in complete shambles.

"Loki!" It's Thor.
"Did you talk to her?" Loki turns to face him. "I tried but there's no stopping her." Both sigh as they watch Baal disappear behind a corner.
"There's nothing that can change her mind, is there." Loki shakes his head. "She is not hysterical. She waited for this karma and now it has come."
Thor sighs.
"Then it will come for her as well."


As Baal walks past the guards the prisoners start to yell and whistle at her.

This is her first time being down in the dungeon, the prisoners see her for the first time ever.
Baal walks down the hall until she stops in front of an empty cell with only one man in it.

The other cells are filled to the brim with people except for this one.

"Hello, father."
The man turns around in shock. "You", He snarls. "How dare you." He punches the cell wall clearly trying to intimidate Baal but she doesn't even flinch.
It's as if something in her just clicked.

"Your execution will take place next week, until then you can think about your last words."
Her father tries to punch the wall again to gain the same effect but fails.
"What happened to you", He then asks as he falls onto his knees to level with Baal.
"Every decision you made lead you right here to this exact moment", Baal says.
"You know you had it coming." Baal's father lets out a sigh, it's a sigh of regret.

"Baal, I'm sorry for everything I've done. Please spare me." Baal scoffs. "Do you really think a simple sorry will save you after all this?"
He hums. "It was worth a try."

Then Baal smiles. "Tell me about mother." The man smiles.
"She was the best woman I've ever known, beautiful and kind... just like you." Baal smiles.

She barely knew her mother, she died when Baal was just a child.
"She had so much faith in you", He sighs. "I was a different man back then, a loving husband and father."
Baal listens and crosses her arms in front of her chest. She wants to hear what this desperate man has to say.
"I was so hard on you because you reminded me of her. I loved her, Baal, I loved her dearly."

Baal lets out a sigh. "Father, I understand that you were grieving but that's not an excuse for your abuse." He nods, he surprisingly agrees. "I know. The truth is I am a horrible father, I always knew that what I did was bad but I couldn't stop."

Baal watches as her father starts to cry. "Father, I cannot forgive you this easily", She says and her father nods. "I know."
"I have to go, farewell."
Before Baal can leave her father calls out to her. "This might be the last time we'll see each other", He says with tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls.
"I love you, Baal."

Before her father can see the tears building up in her eyes Baal leaves the dungeon to speak with Odin.
She finds him in the throne room discussing something with Frigga. "Baal", She notices. "Dear, where have you been?"
Frigga hugs Baal tightly. "I talked to him." Frigga pulls away and looks at Baal's teared up eyes.

"I want to change his punishment", As she says so she looks up at Odin. He only looks at her with a proud smile.
"Baal, I'm happy that you are willing to do so."

Baal wipes away a tear that was about to fall out of her eye. "He should live and reflect", She starts. "But I cannot forgive him, not now at least."
Frigga smiles at the girl and strokes her back.
"You don't have to forgive him. We're just happy that you've changed your mind."

Baal smiles. "I should travel to Salona. Now that my father is imprisoned here my brother will take the crown. I have to talk to him." Odin's eyes widen. "Baal, if you go back you might not return."

News travels fast, her brother definitely knows about the situation and knowing how he is Baal will certainly not return.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."

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