3. The King and Queen

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Baal's father helps her down from her horse. "This is it, my darling", He says as he cups her cheeks. "I'm so proud."
"A proud father you should be."

The father turns around at the sudden voice.
"Oh all mighty Allfather!" He bows and signals Baal to do the same.
As they straighten back up Baal gets a chance to look at her future parents in law.
The first presence she notices is the Allfather, of course.

His golden armor sparkles in the sun and blinds her a bit. A red cape hangs from his shoulders and trails after him on the ground. In one hand he holds his staff and in the other the hand of his wife.

Baal feels more calm as she sees a reassuring smile coming from her.

The wife's blonde hair is pinned into a bun and her yellow dress matches her earrings and friendly aura. "Welcome", She says with a gentle and warming voice.
"We have prepared a feast to celebrate your arrival and upcoming marriage", The Allfather adds.
"For now we'd like to show you your rooms for your stay. The maids will inform you about the feast."

Then the queen holds out her hand to Baal. "Come, my dear."
Baal hesitantly takes her hand.

Together the two women go ahead of the men and up the stairs which lead to the entrance of the palace. "How was your journey", The queen asks. Baal struggles to find the words.
She's overwhelmed and nervous.
"It was faster than I expected", Baal brings out and the queen chuckles in response.

"Yes, the Bifröst has made traveling easier for us."

Then they reach the open doors of the palace. "Welcome to your future home, my dear."
Together they enter the huge throne room which is also the entrance hall at the same time.
It's filled with lots of pillars and the ceilings are covered in beautiful paintings of Asgard's history.
"It's magnificent", Baal says in amazement. The queen chuckles.
Then she waves over a maid. "You have to forgive me but there still are lots of things to prepare for the feast. I must leave."

Baal nods understandingly and the queen leaves.
"I'll show you to your room, Lady Baal."
Baal follows the maid through multiple corridors and hallways.

She can barely keep track of all of the turns.
Suddenly the maid stops in front of one of the many doors.
She opens the doors and enters the room. "This will be your stay for tonight, Lady Baal." Baal enters the room.
It's definitely different from her room at home. The size and use of other materials are the main reason for the difference.
"With all due respect, I'd like to be alone", Baal says. "It's been an exciting day until now and I would like to rest before the feast."

The maid nods and bows before leaving.
As the doors shut Baal throws herself onto the huge bed.
The mattress is soft and comfortable, exactly to her liking.
She takes a deep breath as she just stares at the ceiling.

Nervousness is the biggest problem. Not only is she in a completely new environment but all of these people will be with her in the future.
She has to make this first impression count.

Baal sits up with a sigh and takes the hair stick out of her hair. As she does so her long black waves fall over her shoulders. She also removes the belt from her waist to take some weight off the gown.
After placing both things down onto the bed carefully she gets up and walks over to the balcony.

The scenery is indescribable. She can even see the Bifröst.

"A new face!" Baal flinches in shock at the sudden male voice. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to frighten you."
She looks over to another balcony. On it stands a tall and muscular man with bright blonde hair and a yellow beard.

"It's alright. I should apologize for not seeing you earlier", Baal says. "You're not from around here, are you", The man asks. "I'd say it's very obvious", Baal chuckles.
"How long are you staying", He asks. "Not too sure. Maybe forever."
A sigh escapes Baal's lips as she thinks about her future life with a man she never met.
"Why so sad? Asgard is a beautiful city." Baal smiles. "It is... but it isn't home."

The man runs his fingers through his bright blonde hair. "I see what you mean", He says. "Asgard can be overwhelming for a new arrival like you." Baal hums in agreement.
"I may be royalty but even my home wasn't as glamorous as this. Don't get me wrong, I am completely fascinated by this place-"
"But you need to get used to it", The man completes her sentence.

Baal smiles at the man. "Yes."

Suddenly a knock on Baal's door interrupts their conversation. "Lady Baal!"
It must be more maids. "You should get that", The blonde man says with a smile.
Baal nods and wishes the man farewell before answering the door.

Outside are four maids and the queen of Asgard.
"Oh, your highness!" Baal lets them all in immediately.
"No need for formalities, my dear", She says as she enters the room. "You may call me Frigga", Frigga says as she squeezes Baal's hands happily.
"I have finished preparations and wanted to check on you."
Baal's eyes lighten up a bit. "Oh, thank you... Frigga."
"Also, I wanted to ask what you will be wearing tonight."

Baal looks down at her current gown and back up at Frigga.
"Would you like to stay true to your culture or wear an asgardian gown", Frigga asks. "I... I don't know." Frigga chuckles.

"Alright, my dear. Let me help you."

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