Medieval AU

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   His footsteps echoed off the brick walls. Leather boots clacking across the flooring. His face remained still. Not frowning nor smiling. His eyes held nothing to them. He was composed as he should be. Hands tucked behind his back he walked with grace down the hallway. As he passed a maid she wished him good morning. He nodded in her direction as he went on walking.

His steps slowed as he pressed his hand against the large door. With a gentle push, it groaned loudly. Walking into the large room with towering ceilings and chiseled marble walls, his dark brown eyes eyed the throne at the front. Two thrones, meant for a king and queen. With steps leading up them on a small scarlet platform. Each crafted from a beautiful red cloth and adorned with a golden frame. More often than not only one was filled whilst the other lay empty due to the first absence. Always being gone on trades and such.

Banners of a darker red and adorned with a black cross lay across the brick walls. The symbol of their kingdom. Guards two on each side stood by the podium. As if they were statues. Standing in their suits of armor helmets and all. Hands at their sides and swords sheathed. Ready to kill any whom dared threaten the royals. They weren't any normal knights naturally, but rather the royal guard. Knights who supposedly trained all their lives specifically to protect royalty.

He resisted the strong urge to scoff at the notion. He didn't need protection and he didn't want it. Yet he had no say in that matter. Despite his title.

As the brunette walked further into the room It didn't take long for his gaze to find the women sitting in one of the thrones. Already waiting for him. His mother.

She was a darker skinned woman with almost black hair darker than his own. Braided back into a presine bun kept neatly under a sparkling gold crown adorned with many jewels. At the front a cross stuck out from the top. His father had a crown nearly identical to that one aside from the head shape. His own however that he wore now was much simpler. It held no cross - a sign that he was not in the leading position just yet - but rather four little arches along the back. Each meeting with a red jewel and 3 larger arches in the front. A large ruby at the center of the golden headwear. It was detailed with designs within the metal and decorated with smaller rubies along the trimming.

When she noticed him, she turned her head almost like a robot. She gave him a polite smile. Without much movement she looked back at the front of the room. To the long red runner leading up to the throne.

Keeping his steps paced and elegant he joined his mother at the throne. "Good morning mother. How are you." He greeted.

"I am well. Thank you son" She replied just as tamely. He stood there beside his fathers throne. Waiting. His mother gave him a nod, "please, seat yourself." Nodding, he slowly seated himself in his fathers throne. He was only ever allowed to sit in it when given permission by his mother or father. He would have the throne as his own when he was given the king's crown. Legs together, back against the backing of the throne. Hands folded on his lap neatly. Expression unmoving. His mother turned to look at him, "do try not to scare them off this time Alastor. Please?" She asked quietly. Side-eyeing his mother, Alastor gave a quiet nod. Turning his head back to the front of the room as his mother did the same. "Enter." Was all she had said.

The large oak doors at the front of the room were opened by two of the guards standing there. Alastor unmoved as his eyes almost boredly watched them come in. The singular knight walked without a word down the runner. He walked like all the other guards, hands at his sides moving with his steps. A sword sheathed on the side of his hip. Helmet like all the rest. The only thing that put them as off was the height. That he was just a bit shorter than the rest of the knights. Even himself, just by an inch or two.

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